(GOAThan got his Bloodsport on)

The Biggest Tournament in Dragon Ball History has Begun and the last two episodes get this party started. The Dangerous Trio aka The Wolfpack Gang from Universe 9 isn't playing around. During the first fight Basil seemed to be bodying Big Buu very easily, that was until he made the fatal mistake knocking Mr. Satan out. Big Buu proved his power by easily dismantling of Basil giving Universe 7 the first win of the Exhibition Match and the entire Tournament (Foreshadow maybe?). So Big Buu did his job and got it done. Definitely looking forward to seeing him again. Now Tonight was the Episode that many of us who believed, many of us who never gave in or gave up. Many of us who know GOAThan will return. GOAThan Vs Lanvender was Epic, Special, Legendary. He stepped up to the plate, he told Goku he had it and to let him go before him. Goku agreed and Gohan stepped in the ring. He came out strong, Matching Lavender blow for blow. Then all of the sudden, Lavender hits Gohan with some deadly poison. This caused Gohan to go completely blind so this mofo had to cheat to win.
It reminded me of "Bloodsport" when Van Damme went blind. Lavender then starts to give Gohan that work. Soon Gohan bypasses his Mystic/Ultimate form and goes right in Super Saiyan to try and offset the poison. It works for a small period but soon the poison starts to overtake his body. Whis explains that the Super Saiyan form is actually accelerating the poison. One of the Kai's offer Goku some Sensu Beans to Help Gohan. Meanwhile in the ring, Gohan is still getting that work when he denies the power boost from the Sensu Bean. With all the heart in the world and the poison now covering his face and arms. GOAThan uses is other senses to fight Laveder and get the upper hand. After a Power Blast Clash, the Poison consumes Gohan's body and he Power up's one last time and charges Lavender. He gets behind him and then thrust him into the air and back down ramming him into the Ground.
They both are knocked out but Gohan still stands up to show he won the fight. It was called a Draw anyway since they both hit the ground (Even though Lavender technically hit the ground first). So now Goku and Bergamo are in a huge match for next week also the Gods changed the rules on who's fighting so we won't get every Universe fighting just certain ones. Very proud of GOAThan, showed so much heart. Turned own a Sensu in the middle of the battle. Had been poison to the point of almost death. Yet he hung in there and got it done and used his senses on some Ninja sh!t. It may have been a tie but GOAThan definitely won a moral victory for those that may have felt he was weak. GOAThan technically can never be "Weak", his dormant power is too strong. The problem was lack of training obviously.. Mind you this was just Super Saiyan form, he has not got the upgrade yet. He's about to be DEADLY in this tournament. Amazing Episode to celebrate the 31st Anniversary of the Dragon Ball Anime Premiering in 1986.