Gohan with training could probably give Beerus that work.
Gohan is insanely powerful, but he almost never taps into the power because the nikka never trains. Even the times where he has tapped into that power he has a tendency to get cocky as fukk because he KNOWS he's miles ahead of everybody else. Also despite being trained by the strategy god Piccolo Gohan might be the dumbest of all the Z fighters in terms of combat.
If Gohan trained as hard and as often as Vegeta and Goku nobody would be able to see him in a fight.
Gohan is one of the worst "fighters" on the team.
The ole "the strongest guy in the room is the one who doesn't want to fight." troupe.
But they threw that in the bushes when Gohan stopped training all together so now he's not strong and he can't fight.
Just raw talent and no fundamentals
Plus Gohan already had a come back for the Buu Saga. Dude takes years off of fighting and only trains when a threat is looming. He's got a lot of heart but hes got no spirit.
I wish Vegeta would have been there to see Gohan, he would a verbally ripped him to shreds
After threats like Cell and Buu you;d think he would start training to be ready for the next one but he just sits by the wayside and lets Goku and Vegeta protect everyone.
I really can't see how anyone can stan for Gohan, he's got all that potential and just throws it away. He was suppose to be the heir to the throne. He bytched and moaned all throught the Frieza saga about not being able to protect his friends, now when he can finally do something about it he sits on his ass wearing a dumb costume playing Superman.

Reminds me of people that need social media for self validation. He can't fight real threats so he parades around town deflecting bullets to feel good about himself.