still wish goku had to achieve God level by doing something on his own. you know by digging deep and relying on the strength with super saiyan. he had to work for it and earn it.
But it feels like the God power up was just a hand out.
From what I am gathering about God mode is that it doesn't necessarily make you stronger or faster but instead it gives you God Ki which is on a totally different wavelength than regular ki.
Someone without "God Ki" basically can't harm someone with it, no matter how strong their regular ki is because they don't compare. ((It kind of feeds into my theory that Vegeta's royal blood actually has diluted God Ki in it possibly from an ancestor that was a SSJ God or was the original SSJGod to explain the reason why he was even able to lay hands on Beerus.))
Basically Goku ascended to the next level. Toriyama talked about how he wanted to even the power level nonsense out because it was getting out of hand and this is a perfect way to do it.
Think of it this way. Goku used to be a Senior in High School but now hes a Freshman in College. All the shyt he knew in HS will help him progress in College but it doesn't matter how smart he was in HS because non of those grades are gonna carry over to College.
With one swift swoop Goku now becomes the small fish in a big pond. If this is the route toriyama is going its damn near genius.
Goku has graduated from saving planets to saving dimensions.
It's kind of ironic how making Goku into an actual "God" is the one thing that made him weaker in DragonBall in a sense.