Dr. Watkins Speaks On Empire/Media Propaganda (NEW)


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
The american news had that McDonald's fight where black girls were fighting all over the media and they are trying to send the girls to jail, when no one got hurt and the so called "victim" initiated the fight, and did not want to charge them. Those girls should be in school, but now they are in court or jail.
They put there young faces and full names all over the internet and news when all of them are under 16.
They did not even post the full names and faces of the white girls who stabbed their friend to death but they willing put the girls name all over the media.

And black people ate that fight up as well calling the girls animals, saying black people can't raise their children. White people shared the video with everyone calling people in it savages. The video was complete propaganda. Pure propaganda, most kids in brooklyn do get into fights, like other children across america, but they are also going to school and trying to better their lives.

Black people are not white people, it's like many Black people don't understand this simple concept until they're on the wrong end of a propaganda campaign.

It gives me a headache when I hear Black people saying "but white people do the same thing and it's not a problem", YES, THEY DO AND IT'S NOT A PROBLEM BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE.



Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
I wasn't able to see the entire video...

But I did peep their reaction to the fight clip.

I don't think they were c0oning or anything like that. They just struck me as 3 ppl that genuinely like that show.

Something dramatic happened in a dramatic show and they reacted exactly how the producers of the show would hope their audience react.

I gotta hear what they said in the rest of the interview tho


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
It seems like for too many "conscious" people, they think being pro-black means how insufferably whiny, illogical, and annoying they can be on a given topic about black people.

Yeah, 'cause when it comes to the overall American culture, sex and violence and overall hedonism arent the main themes and driving force that the public gravitates to when it comes to television. Shows like Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Weeds, Dynasty, etc just feature other races acting perfectly normal, doing their taxes, doing their homework, and peacefully and productively practicing GROUP ECONOMICS~~~!

It seems like being black bothers a lot of y'all, so you love to cry about how other black people are always making you "look bad".
You forgot shameless :wow:


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I wasn't able to see the entire video...

But I did peep their reaction to the fight clip.

I don't think they were c0oning or anything like that. They just struck me as 3 ppl that genuinely like that show.

Something dramatic happened in a dramatic show and they reacted exactly how the producers of the show would hope their audience react.

I gotta hear what they said in the rest of the interview tho

Crackheads genuinely like crack.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Naw breh. I could care less about how we look to whites(if thats what you're saying) . They call Obama a n1gger. My main issue is how shows like this and poisonous, negative rap makes us feel about OURSELVES. Kids were enrolling into HBCU's BECAUSE of A Different World. That show was PURPOSELY taken off the air because it influenced us positively and promoted a high self esteem. Are u denying that media propaganda is a tool that has been used in the past to control a people

You have a tendency to sort of talk past people and doggedly stick to your talking points. Im saying that a show like empire fits into the broader american culture, and displays the sorts of themes that make money and draw eyeballs in the entertainment mediums.

And this whole "A different world" claptrap is making my eyes roll. Do you know what the black murder rate and crime rates were during the late 80s and 90s? It was astronomical. Obviously a different world wasnt having any sort of tangible positive impact. Black people, or anyone else, arent getting their self-esteem and pride from a damn t.v show. Thats just overly simplistic nonsense that doesnt reflect day-to-day realities in the real world.

I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you here... Whilst what you are saying is true you have to understand the the impact of the American culture is different for different races... Violence and drugs portrayed in the media doesn't stereotype and marginalize individual white people... There is a message that is attached with white media that says a) this is pure fiction or b) this is an individual problem not a group trait

When you see a white person walking down the street do you automatically think druggie? Even though they are the number one abusers Of prescribed medication?

I appreciate the respectful response, and hopefully I can respond in kind. Your comment seems to suggest that since black people are naturally inferior we somehow dont have the luxury of participating in the broader American culture the way everyone else does. It just becomes circular and self-defeating.

Its not as if Empire is trading off of overtly anti-black stereotyping --- as if the show has a bunch of hapless, shiftless negros on a plantation eating watermelon all day and speaking in runaway slave dialect.

Empire features characters that are attractive, highly functional, intelligent, successful...but also highly dysfunctional and driven by American vices. This is the basic template for most of the wildly successful american dramas in the past 30 years or so.

If white people or anyone else for that matter cant appreciate the diversity of black people by now, and only understand crude stereotypes, well thats their problem and not yours. They're the ignorant ones, and its not a show like Empire's responsibility to be mindful of what racists think about everything.


Docile & dominant @ the same damn time
Mar 29, 2014
Adjacent to the King
You have a tendency to sort of talk past people and doggedly stick to your talking points. Im saying that a show like empire fits into the broader american culture, and displays the sorts of themes that make money and draw eyeballs in the entertainment mediums.

And this whole "A different world" claptrap is making my eyes roll. Do you know what the black murder rate and crime rates were during the late 80s and 90s? It was astronomical. Obviously a different world wasnt having any sort of tangible positive impact. Black people, or anyone else, arent getting their self-esteem and pride from a damn t.v show. Thats just overly simplistic nonsense that doesnt reflect day-to-day realities in the real world.

I appreciate the respectful response, and hopefully I can respond in kind. Your comment seems to suggest that since black people are naturally inferior we somehow dont have the luxury of participating in the broader American culture the way everyone else does. It just becomes circular and self-defeating.

Its not as if Empire is trading off of overtly anti-black stereotyping --- as if the show has a bunch of hapless, shiftless negros on a plantation eating watermelon all day and speaking in runaway slave dialect.

Empire features characters that are attractive, highly functional, intelligent, successful...but also highly dysfunctional and driven by American vices. This is the basic template for most of the wildly successful american dramas in the past 30 years or so.

If white people or anyone else for that matter cant appreciate the diversity of black people by now, and only understand crude stereotypes, well thats their problem and not yours. They're the ignorant ones, and its not a show like Empire's responsibility to be mindful of what racists think about everything.

If my post insinuated inferiority... I do apologize because that is not my intent... Black folks are not inferior people... They are group of people not in control of the message

Scripted television and "news" are two different levels of messages... One is considered factual... The messages sent via the news media needs to be examined and discussed..

White people in America live in a bubble... It's not just their problem when they are only exposed to Black people (or any other minority) through stereotypes and news stories. These are the same folks who turn around and become police officers, mortgage bankers, school teachers, admission officers, professors, hiring managers, etc. They become the gate keepers to opportunity, wealth, advancement, and power. This is how systemic racism thrives...

It matters


Aug 29, 2013
Just because No Bammer Weed can cite white TV shows with dysfunctional characters...that doesn't take away from the fact that black people are generally portrayed in a ghetto/violent/unsophisticated light.

To the extent that a black show or actor is shown in a more reasonable role or theme, the shows tend to be moderately successful at best. And often short-lived.

Don Jay

Apr 5, 2014
Chi Town
The american news had that McDonald's fight where black girls were fighting all over the media and they are trying to send the girls to jail, when no one got hurt and the so called "victim" initiated the fight, and did not want to charge them. Those girls should be in school, but now they are in court or jail.
They put there young faces and full names all over the internet and news when all of them are under 16.
They did not even post the full names and faces of the white girls who stabbed their friend to death but they willing put the girls name all over the media.

And black people ate that fight up as well calling the girls animals, saying black people can't raise their children. White people shared the video with everyone calling people in it savages. The video was complete propaganda. Pure propaganda, most kids in brooklyn do get into fights, like other children across america, but they are also going to school and trying to better their lives.
Did we look at the same fight. Those bytches and the punks that raised them belong in jail. The girl that started the fight might have deserved a little ass kicking but stomped on the head when she was clearly out?

We need to stop making excuses and hold them accountable for our brothers and sisters when they fukk up. Why should they continue school? So they can interfere and intimidate the education of others? The ringleader stabbed her brother and her own grandma is afraid of her. I grew up in the 90's in Chicago. I've seen chicks scrapped but never like that.