Boy stop..... You aint got enough sense to know if you're talking to a God or a Demon........ let alone a black man or a cac
I'm sure someone like
@Elle Driver can tell us of the unappreciated benefits of how an ancestor like Mary Bethune started a higher vessel of learning for black girls with 6 quarters..... and how it exponentially benefited the black populous in America....
Booker T. Washington established Tuskegee and graduated some of the most influential blacks in American society...
This just off the top... These schools were established by blacks during the height of Jim Crowe\Black Codes... and they both were edified with black money and sweat/sacrifice.....(Lewis Adams had a lil help with Tuskegee...

Furthermore, they started with a small plan that was scalable and made the necessary sacrifices to see these schools come into fruition without begging black society for 100% sponsorship....
Yall think this shyt some brand new type of idea...which illustrates how much yall think yall know, but really don't know shyt and are prime to be manipulated....
Any nikka that's serious about his history could have answered this question with ease... You claim to be in your 30s and your best retort was calling me a CAC on this issue simply cause you had no retort.... and yall think yall fit to lead.....
God Bless us All.....

We gon need it