he literally invented a new company to file for tax exempt status and its not even the company he's raising money for
@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Basil of Baker Street @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner
Black Excellence though!
He's getting it done y'all like Larry the Cable Guy!
I might be done posting here after this, I believed in Umar, but his recent behavior shows he's not fit to be running a school with children. He's a scammer.
Y'all call us haters all you want, but if he was really serious in this school, for how long he has been touting it, it should of been up years ago.
He's homeless now (I haven't seen a video of his in almost a year where he wasn't filming either outside or in his car) just majking these seemingly erratic videos where he just talks about random stuff that will never happen.
Umar wants this school to have phys ed, yoga, skeet shooting, a track and field team, a presidential complex, and all of this other stuff, yet he can't even pay all the property taxes and utilities he owes to even have the school up and functional in accordance with the state of Delaware.
So how is this realistically going to happen?
Knowing all the expenses private schools have (tuition, staff/faculty, utilities, upkeep, etc) how is Umar really gonna get this done...something that should of been done YEARS AGO?
I think I might be done with this forum because people here have incredibly low expectations

....when you present them with the facts of the situations (I've researched this school from various other sources on the internet) they have nothing to say but say "you're white", "you're a hater", "you're not ADOS"....but how is this school going to open?
I bet you they can't even respond with anything outside of hypotheticals and stuff that has nothing to do with this situation.
A couple of pages ago I saw somebody arguing that they would know what goes into Umar's school cause they're family are contractors...ok...yall gonna go down to Wilmington and help out cause what in the flying phuck does that have to do with this thread?