Dr. Umar caught in 4K chatting with a Yacubian woman UPDATE: Umar responds


All Star
Jun 4, 2012

So all the shyt Umar talk about white women and these white women still love him and want him. But nobody's calling her a white bedwench, white divestor, or BBCer?

How is it that y'all will call out, condemn, and criticize the black person in interracial relationshiops but y'all let their white partners off the hook? Why won't y'all call out, condemn, and criticize the white person for being in love with black men or black women?

Y'all say white people can still be pro white or racist even if they date black people. So therefore black people can also still be pro black or racist even if they date white people.

If black people can't still be pro black or racist if they date a white person or date outside of their race then white people can't still be pro white or racist if they date a black person or date outsdie of their race.

There can't be double standards based off race. You can't say a black person can't be pro black if they date a white person but a white person can still be pro white even if they date a black person.

7 pages and haven't nobody said "Damn that white girl still BBCing even after Umar been shytting on white women for the last 10 years. She's a supreme white bedwench and BBCer"

Debunk me p*ssy. Dude mad because I'm exposing the double standards. These are the things he's mad about.
White men being called out as sellouts, c00ns, and bedbucks for talking to black women.
People saying that white men can't be pro white if they talk to black women.
White women being called white bedwenches, white divestors, and BBCers if they talk to black men.
People saying white women can't be pro white if they talk to black men.

People like him want to give the white people a pass for dating interracial but he want the black person they're dating to be the only ones being called names and condemned.

I'm the only one that call these double standards out and this is why be so mad because they can't debunk nothing I say and they will expose their selves if they admit why they're really mad at my posts.

Roger king

May 24, 2022
He can be with whoever he wants its a free world, just don't be a hypocrite and be judgmental about it. I have dated white women. latinas and black women and i make no apologies for it, simply be with who makes you happy. All this over who a grown man is speaking to is just weird stuff