Dr Marcus Garvey Jr. The Arab Slave Trade


Jun 4, 2012
"Blackking" stay :cape: for Muslims imperialists who enslaved Africans and chopped off their dikks. :smh: Disgusting.
Not one point I made, was about how any type of slavery was OK. But the points that he's making.. and I'm assuming you support, are misplaced and ignorant.

No I'm not saving Arabs.. they don't need me to do that. I'm just responding and correcting his points because they are wrong. I'm not sure what his point is.. or how he feels like a black person practicing Islam hurts them or their people... we clearly can see from history and current situations that's not the case.

Also, you weren't part of the conversation. You could be if you had anything to add... But AS USUAL, you don't have any point to make.


All Star
May 2, 2013
San Francisco/Tokyo
i didnt say you were arab, what i said is that you are a black person living in america that follows an arab religion

and arabs are people that enslaved and committed genocide against black people

There is slavery in the Bible last time I checked... Hell Christians sold salves to Muslims. But Muslims aka Arabs seeing as you people think all Arabs are Muslims are the evil ones. LOL I love the-coli and all the pseudo intellectuals

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Not one point I made, was about how any type of slavery was OK. But the points that he's making.. and I'm assuming you support, are misplaced and ignorant.

No I'm not saving Arabs.. they don't need me to do that. I'm just responding and correcting his points because they are wrong. I'm not sure what his point is.. or how he feels like a black person practicing Islam hurts them or their people... we clearly can see from history and current situations that's not the case.

Also, you weren't part of the conversation. You could be if you had anything to add... But AS USUAL, you don't have any point to make.

I ain't even talking about just this thread though. I remember this one thread someone made about the Arab slave trade and you spent the whole time basically saying that when "cacs" did it, it was worse. :dead:

But carry on arguing with twism. I'll leave you alone


Jun 4, 2012
i didnt say you were arab, what i said is that you are a black person living in america that follows an arab religion

and arabs are people that enslaved and committed genocide against black people


And this is why you troll me? There are other black Muslims on here.. you have to troll me for what? I think it's because I respond to u. I took a break cuz Serena was on TV crushing some white chick... but now I'm back to say ur hate of black youth, black culture, overall c00nism, and misguided hate of concepts and people... is more damaging to black people more than anything you've mentioned.

The actions of Arabs, whites, or Indians who participated in any of that shyt isn't going to go away because you post the same pic on this site literally 76 times. My religion doesn't harm me, harm my people, make me less successful, take away from the many black people in America who have encouraged black success- who happen to practice Islam. You act like most of the revolutionary black people in America weren't either Muslim or cool w Muslims.

Just like you focus on Rap music.. your focus on Religion is ignorant and misguided. I feel that someones motivation to increase the economic power of their people is more important.. I think education is more important. So I guess of the religious black businessmen and women, or Christian and Muslim black graduate students who listen to rap should all be throw in the bushes because some borderline c00n muthfacka like you has a Delorus Tucker ignorant POV??


All Star
May 2, 2013
San Francisco/Tokyo
Black Christians are hilarious. You come in hear talking about how Islam help destroy Africa. Yet you pray to a white Jesus and follow a book that condones slavery :pachaha:


Jun 4, 2012
I ain't even talking about just this thread though. I remember this one thread someone made about the Arab slave trade and you spent the whole time basically saying that when Europeans did it, it was worse. :dead:

But carry on arguing with twism. I'll leave you alone

Never said it was worse. I was saying the situations were different and that neither was worse. You don't remember anything, because if someone just said.. the slavery is bad..I would agree. That's not whats happening here.. yall are making a point about Islam and black people... basically saying that it's wrong for a black person to be a Muslim.

And I'm not arguing with twism.. I was hoping that he could see that his pov was misguided, but it might be a lost cause.

However, I have noticed that most black people (not sure if ur black today or mixed today) who do the less for our communities, who are the least effective or invested in the situations.. are the main ones criticizing black people for __________ fill in the blank.


Jun 4, 2012
reject imperialist foreign religions, african brehs

I reject people who are bad for our communities. Black elitist are one of those groups if they look down on the majority of the respective populations in our diaspora.

Some how in HL, there's a belief that religion is the main motivator of imperialism. Which is funny because most (if not all) of the people who fight against imperialism are religious. Africans had similar religions long before the religions, we discuss, ever existed..

And I guess our situation would be better if every black person in America was no longer a Muslim? It surprises me sometimes how little you all understand about our situation.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
He said... arabs asians whites--- all of the same stock. I just don't agree.

yeah its trivial unless you can point out what the significance of that is to the arab slave trade

the subject is the arab slave trade, if you want to change the subject we can do that, i can understand why

on top of that the differences between arabs, asian, and whites depends on your point of view

arabs, asians, whites came from a group of people that left africa thousands of years ago, so in that sense they are from the same stock of that group that left africa and they are different than us, aka original man

The Africans didn't have inferior anything. People apply science and technologies to different areas.

the africans had inferior science and technology, the europeans had guns and ships, the arabs had iron

African nations traded coins, materials, and knowledge with China and the rest of Asia.. both continents learn from each other. Cultural complexities are also factors in society. IF violence and ability to kill is the standard that you go by... then I'm Far superior than you probably ever will be. However, I don't go by those standards.

you can use whatever standard you want to use, but using the standard of technology and science, the africans were way behind the arabs and the europeans

Garvey Jr. said right in the video.. blacks were up to par in science and technology... they just used a different material for weapons.. that made the difference.


yeah the making of iron was a superior technology to the making of bronze, apparently you are having a hard time understanding that, that is why world history is divided between the bronze age and the iron age

and what garvey jr said in his video is that there as a technological gap by the time the arabs started invading africa

blacks were up to par in the BC era around 1000BC and prior, but by the time the greeks invaded egypt, africa had lost its technological edge

The US could wipe Japan off the map.. which nation is more advanced technologically?

the us is more advanced in terms of science and technology, obviously

you cant possibly be this stupid to suggest that japan is ahead technologically :heh:

I'm not the young 'anyone' except my beautiful self... in that thread I just pointed out... POV wise, you would be the NAACP I would be the UNIA

you would be neither, you would be the nation of islam of that time period, you would be a guy who might be well meaning but got bamboozled by an arab religion and be going around telling black people islam is the black man's religion


All Star
Aug 8, 2012
i didnt say you were arab, what i said is that you are a black person living in america that follows an arab religion

and arabs are people that enslaved and committed genocide against black people


Don't know if you know but the original arabs were dark black and some today still are or have light skin like blacks over in the states, no difference. The only thing is they were taught they were different then us. Oh, and traditional Islam and Arab are two different things. It's crazy when a muslim says Allah U Akbar and then you see white people's expression like that's something bad or something. Ignorance is a bytch. Islam(the religion) isn't responsible for the arab slave trade, it was the invaders who used the religion to shield their actions. Just like whites who use Christianity to justify all the shyt they've done since forever.

Also lets not compare 1555 to any other form of slavery. It has no comparison. Yeah slavery existed long before 1555 but compared to the trans atlantic, those are like childs play. The worst crime you can do to a people is take the knowledge of self away from them, which black people all over the world, ESPECIALLY America still suffers greatly from.

The Christians and atheist in the US cause just as much confusion and problems as the muslims so lets grow up and stop pointing the finger. All religious groups have problems and yall are no different. It's either telling that a fat white man will bring the kids presents or that no god exists. And these so called holy people be telling lies everyday. get outta here with that noise



God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
And this is why you troll me? There are other black Muslims on here.. you have to troll me for what?

i dont troll anybody, im just making sure people understand the history of islam in africa, ive been doing that since KTL days

but now I'm back to say ur hate of black youth, black culture, overall c00nism, and misguided hate of concepts and people... is more damaging to black people more than anything you've mentioned.

i dont hate black culture, but i think black culture needs to improve to correct for those things that allowed others to enslave us

The actions of Arabs, whites, or Indians who participated in any of that shyt isn't going to go away because you post the same pic on this site literally 76 times. My religion doesn't harm me, harm my people, make me less successful, take away from the many black people in America who have encouraged black success- who happen to practice Islam.

i respect the right to practice your religion, im just making sure you dont spread arab lies

islam does harm black people if islam tries to hide the fact that muslims engaged in enslaving and genocide against africans that is parallel to the enslaving and genocide committed by europeans

so practicing your religion does not harm black people but spreading lies do harm black people

You act like most of the revolutionary black people in America weren't either Muslim or cool w Muslims.

slow the fuk down, the vast majority of revolutionary black people where christian, and for the most part islam was a non factor unless you count the black muslims that actually sold other black people

and what you originally said was that muslims were the only ones that stood up to slavery and oppression, which is a lie

Just like you focus on Rap music.. your focus on Religion is ignorant and misguided. I feel that someones motivation to increase the economic power of their people is more important.. I think education is more important. So I guess of the religious black businessmen and women, or Christian and Muslim black graduate students who listen to rap should all be throw in the bushes because some borderline c00n muthfacka like you has a Delorus Tucker ignorant POV??

i dont know where you are going with this, people can practice whatever religion a person wants to, i believe in freedom of religion, as long as the person is not spreading lies

and i dont focus on rap music, i focus on education and culture, but i do think rap music is garbage for the most part because it has gotten away from the original hip hop culture, i support hip hop culture, which is something different than rap music, and i support what delores tucker said that rap music has to be positive and uplifting because black culture has to be positive and uplifting

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Never said it was worse. I was saying the situations were different and that neither was worse. You don't remember anything, because if someone just said.. the slavery is bad..I would agree. That's not whats happening here.. yall are making a point about Islam and black people... basically saying that it's wrong for a black person to be a Muslim.

And I'm not arguing with twism.. I was hoping that he could see that his pov was misguided, but it might be a lost cause.

However, I have noticed that most black people (not sure if ur black today or mixed today) who do the less for our communities, who are the least effective or invested in the situations.. are the main ones criticizing black people for __________ fill in the blank.

I didn't see twism say it's wrong to be a Muslim. I think he's just basically saying that Islam as an organized institution has historically been one that has been used to exploit black people for the ends of the dominant group who established that institution, just like Christianity. And therefore it is folly to buy into this myth that somehow Islam is the black man's true religion, or any more of a benevolent religion to black people than Christianity or Judaism. And I don't see how anybody in their right mind can disagree with that.

The individual is free to choose his own personal religious/spirtual path. I think twism was talking about Islam as a historical institution.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
I didn't see twism say it's wrong to be a Muslim. I think he's just basically saying that Islam as an organized institution has historically been one that has been used to exploit black people for the ends of the dominant group who established that institution, just like Christianity. And therefore it is folly to buy into this myth that somehow Islam is the black man's true religion, or any more of a benevolent religion to black people than Christianity or Judaism. And I don't see how anybody in their right mind can disagree with that.

The individual is free to choose his own personal religious/spirtual path. I think twism was talking about Islam as a historical institution.

Guess what

Islam has never been an organized institution, historically, whereas Christianity was :krs:


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Don't know if you know but the original arabs were dark black and some today still are or have light skin like blacks over in the states, no difference. The only thing is they were taught they were different then us. Oh, and traditional Islam and Arab are two different things. It's crazy when a muslim says Allah U Akbar and then you see white people's expression like that's something bad or something. Ignorance is a bytch. Islam(the religion) isn't responsible for the arab slave trade, it was the invaders who used the religion to shield their actions. Just like whites who use Christianity to justify all the shyt they've done since forever.

Also lets not compare 1555 to any other form of slavery. It has no comparison. Yeah slavery existed long before 1555 but compared to the trans atlantic, those are like childs play. The worst crime you can do to a people is take the knowledge of self away from them, which black people all over the world, ESPECIALLY America still suffers greatly from.

The Christians and atheist in the US cause just as much confusion and problems as the muslims so lets grow up and stop pointing the finger. All religious groups have problems and yall are no different. It's either telling that a fat white man will bring the kids presents or that no god exists. And these so called holy people be telling lies everyday. get outta here with that noise


the pre 1555 slave trade was not child's play, it was just as bad, that is the whole point of the video, anybody that tries to downplay islamic slavery is a liar or has gotten bamboozled

and christians and muslims are the same, that is the other point of the video

i dont see what atheists have to do with anything, atheism is a phenomena of the 20th century and they have very little political power