No, it's just people that are sick and tired of these losers that don't contribute something positive to society that rely on so-called music that really doesn't offer anything. There are plenty of musicians that grew up poor in the ghetto where they learned how to sing and/or play a musical instrument that have legitimate talent and/or learn how to speak the English language and study and become someone of substance, that don't put out music with THUG mentality. Our society would be MUCH better off without that element.
Ebonics is probably spoken more than English in the US and it's astounding that our country can't seem to do anything about the root of the problem because Rap music certainly isn't improving this situation, it just perpetuates ignorance and immature behavior and some of us are sick of THEM making money when they aren't making it in a manner that's positive. That's MY beef.
If someone tries to pull the race card, I'll show you plain denial and ignorance. it has NOTHING to do with being a certain skin color. It has to do with what they are selling to make the money they are making.[\quote]