King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
man, anything is possible in this election. Nothing would surprise me anymore.That is why I was saying I'm thinking. I was wondering maybe he selected a Vice President who would broaden his support such as a Latino woman who is heavily respected and has alot of experience in politics(or maybe this would be Rubio lol). As far as the General elections ...By the way in my own personal fan fiction theory I believe Hillary will die unexpectedly from a stroke and Sanders will die of old age :yesshrug: #ihavecrazythoughts
Rubio been squeaky clean so far, so maybe he's due . Although I think Trump may have used up the fukkery quota for this cycle .Rubio I think will be bogged down by a sex scandal. We haven't had huge ones in ages like we used to have back in the good old days(Weiner doesn't count). We are due for a huge one in the social media age. Yes these postings are actual real/concrete reasoning you are reading here from a poster in Higher Learning....
I agree that there will be low turnout for youth voters, but with the caveat that either Clinton or Biden are the Dem nominee. I think Sanders would be able to mobilize the youth, but I don't see anyone else in either party being able to do the same.TO sum up I keep telling yall...this election is gonna be a low turnout record for young people and Black people. I keep saying that but I don't think people take it seriously how low it will be. It would have been in 2008 too if it was not a once in a lifetime moment with the presidency of Obama.