The most intriguing thing with Trump is i wonder who he would select as his running mate. That is what is befuddling me.
I keep thinking it will be someone very adept with foreign policy to show people there will be someone to help with that aspect who fear he knows nothing of it but then I think to myself he knows he has to win with some minority vote to be able to win and may end up picking some kind of minority.
Best VP I can think of for Trump is ex-General David Petraus.
presidential and senate elections are immune to gerrymandering, only applies to congressional races.
There is a mild interest in GOP circles to change the format of presidential races to district by district instead of state by state. Nebraska and one other state(somewhere in the northeast, can't remember exactly) already do this.
Trump and Sanders are votes against the establishment. That's it. That's why they're popular.
In a broad sense yes. However it's a mistake to marginalize immigration and inequality, respectively, as fringe, rage against the machine issues. Both are incredibly important to huge swathes of the electorate.