Don Lemon asks voters in Ohio Kamala or Trump. Interesting replies.


Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
The only reason the 1200 dollars was given out was the Dems fought for it and Trump being the narcissist he is needed his name on it yet these people are praising Trump for it that’s why people are saying the uneducated are going for him

People shouldn’t say uneducated though they should say the politically uneducated because It doesn’t mean they’re stupid or aren’t educated at all but it means at the very least they arent political curious enough to see how they got the 1200
Who was responsible for that 1200$ breh?

Let me know exactly who created the stimulus and increased unemployment, and if you come up with Trump , then you are better off not participating in shyt you know nothing about 🤷🏾‍♂️
That is rarely framed that way on here

nikkas is being disingenuous as hell . nikkas routinely mock nikkas about the 1200 calling ‘em broke and being the rason why Trump got em in his back pocket . Stop that shyt . Trump signed that goofy shyt like it or not when he didnt have to . When has a congress got credit for some shyt instead of a president

We say Obama got saved the auto industry,not congress
We say Obama got healthcare done ,not congress
We say Bush got us into that middle east shyt,not congress
We say Clinton repealed glass-stegall ,not congress
When Kamala gets in and does some dope shyt we gonna say she did that,not congress

You nikkas play word games

“Republicans fear monger” ……”Project 2025 gonna make nikkas worse off than Jim Crow”

.which leads me back to the first shyt I said ..yall think yall smarter that nikkas because yall watch Young Turks or regurgitate bullshyt from a thought leader that he/she posted on X ..yall double talk just like em

How you gonna be in the community ,see what’s happening and KNOW how nikkas living and then not imagine how they could vote for Trump.
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Retired Hoodrat whisperer
May 5, 2012
The Diaspora
The problem with the people being interviewed is that they say they were getting money under Trump, when they don't even understand economics at all.

Their premise is that they were better off under Trump, while failing to understand that Trump is a big reason for inflation we've dealt with the last 3 years. Biden has been getting the blame for Trump's mess. Which isn't surprising because Obama got the blame for the economy during his first term when he was trying to sort out Bush's mess.

But they don't know that. Because to them even when the economy was shut down, people were getting stimmy checks and unemployment checks so people were stocking up. And prior to covid, they remember the 2019 economy and give Trump a pass for mishandling covid.

Trump mismanaged covid so bad that the government was forced to spend 6 trillion dollars to keep people afloat. 73% of that money, which is a little over 4 trillion went directly to stimmy checks, unemployment insurance, and small business bailouts. In other words, money directly to the market, the consumer.

At the same time, the economy was shut down, people stayed at home so businesses had extra supply with no demand. So prices were low. When the economy opens back more broadly in 2021, demand goes through the roof cause everybody got money without the supply to match it. The supply chain also breaks, causing further disruption and higher prices since businesses struggled to keep product.

This causes inflation. Whenever money supply in the market outpaces economic growth, you will have inflation. Too much free money was put out there with no way to account for it.

Also, inflation happened to be a global problem due to covid. Some other countries rates made our inflation look like nothing.

Do you think any of them in the video know that? No. Because everything is optics, feelings and surface level with them. This can lead to making decisions based on inaccurate information or misinformation.

This is why we say people need to be educated. I remember talking to a barber in my barbershop who is Trump supporter and said the same shyt these people in the video said. When me and my barber explained shyt to him, he just sat there silently and just said "oh ok".
This is what I’m talking about

In real time people that was saying that stimmy shyt was going to lead or contribute to inflation nikkas was called MAGA …immediately. They claimed that ppl didn’t know wtf they was talking about and was just running interference…sound familiar?

Now we wanna look back and say “oh well Trump did that” …so now in this very thread we have nikkas saying the democratic congress deserves credit for the stimmy and some ppl saying Trump should get blame for it .

That’s incredible.

The entire globe flubbed COVID . Wasn’t no stopping it . We thought we was right by locking down the way we did up north. We was wrong . Kids allll the way fukked up and it’ll take years to remedy that .

Trump and any other president at the time was fukked . Trump went all the way goofy with the rhetoric but Covid was gonna COVID

If COVID was around when Obama was president he would’ve got fukked too . How ? He fukked up Swine Flu…shyt just happened to work out.

I don’t blame Biden for Inflation . He was just stuck with it
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Jun 11, 2012
You voted?

In 2020 you were adamantly telling me and just about everyone here not to vote.

I never said that. This is how i know youre either lying or youve never read my post. Ive always have stressed exercising the alternative option if you dont like the republican, democrat, green, independent or whatever party options are on the ballot. Ive done a write in for the last two presidential elections. Last time i checked, i was told by you shills that any vote that wasnt for a democrat candidate even if it was a write in for someone else was a vote for Trump. Their words, not mine.


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
This is what I’m talking about

In real time people that was saying that stimmy shyt was going to lead or contribute to inflation nikkas was called MAGA …immediately. They claimed that ppl didn’t know wtf they was talking about and was just running interference…sound familiar?

Now we wanna look back and say “oh well Trump did that” …so now in this very thread we have nikkas saying the democratic congress deserves credit for the stimmy and some ppl saying Trump should get blame for it .

That’s incredible.

The entire globe flubbed COVID . Wasn’t no stopping it . We thought we was right by locking down the way we did up north. We was wrong . Kids allll the way fukked up and it’ll take years to remedy that .

Trump and any other president at the time was fukked . Trump went all the way goofy with the rhetoric but Covid was gonna COVID

If COVID was around when Obama was president he would’ve got fukked too . How ? He fukked up Swine Flu…shyt just happened to work out.

I don’t blame Biden for Inflation . He was just stuck with it
You're basically saying "it's ok for people to have no idea how the government works because that's naturally how people think".

So instead of educating people on how laws and bills are actually passed, you are saying "just let them people think wrongly".

I don't allow that shyt in my presence, and if I'm unaware of some shyt, I don't try to speak in detail about it. That shyt is not ok fam.
Jul 24, 2018
That is rarely framed that way on here

nikkas is being disingenuous as hell . nikkas routinely mock nikkas about the 1200 calling ‘em broke and being the rason why Trump got em in his back pocket . Stop that shyt . Trump signed that goofy shyt like it or not when he didnt have to . When has a congress got credit for some shyt instead of a president

We say Obama got saved the auto industry,not congress
We say Obama got healthcare done ,not congress
We say Bush got us into that middle east shyt,not congress
We say Clinton repealed glass-stegall ,not congress
When Kamala gets in and does some dope shyt we gonna say she did that,not congress

You nikkas play word games

“Republicans fear monger” ……”Project 2025 gonna make nikkas worse off than Jim Crow”

.which leads me back to the first shyt I said ..yall think yall smarter that nikkas because yall watch Young Turks or regurgitate bullshyt from a thought leader that he/she posted on X ..yall double talk just like em

How you gonna be in the community ,see what’s happening and KNOW how nikkas living and then not imagine how they could vote for Trump.
This is what I’m talking about

In real time people that was saying that stimmy shyt was going to lead or contribute to inflation nikkas was called MAGA …immediately. They claimed that ppl didn’t know wtf they was talking about and was just running interference…sound familiar?

Now we wanna look back and say “oh well Trump did that” …so now in this very thread we have nikkas saying the democratic congress deserves credit for the stimmy and some ppl saying Trump should get blame for it .

That’s incredible.

The entire globe flubbed COVID . Wasn’t no stopping it . We thought we was right by locking down the way we did up north. We was wrong . Kids allll the way fukked up and it’ll take years to remedy that .

Trump and any other president at the time was fukked . Trump went all the way goofy with the rhetoric but Covid was gonna COVID

If COVID was around when Obama was president he would’ve got fukked too . How ? He fukked up Swine Flu…shyt just happened to work out.

I don’t blame Biden for Inflation . He was just stuck with it


May 6, 2012
I keep telling people Kamala better pray the economy holds up until November bc if folks see their 401k vaporized and are on the street, they will turn against the establishment. Remember, in the 1930s Germany was the most educated country in the world by many standards.

There is a podcast called Thoughtful Money Iisten to on YT about economics and finance and they put it best:

when you are out in the rain with no umbrella you are willing to get in the car with anybody.

That's how a lot of folks feel. It's not right, but it is a sentiment you tackle head on, not ridicule.
Would you get in the car with the person who put you there?


May 6, 2012
This is what I’m talking about

In real time people that was saying that stimmy shyt was going to lead or contribute to inflation nikkas was called MAGA …immediately. They claimed that ppl didn’t know wtf they was talking about and was just running interference…sound familiar?

Now we wanna look back and say “oh well Trump did that” …so now in this very thread we have nikkas saying the democratic congress deserves credit for the stimmy and some ppl saying Trump should get blame for it .

That’s incredible.

The entire globe flubbed COVID . Wasn’t no stopping it . We thought we was right by locking down the way we did up north. We was wrong . Kids allll the way fukked up and it’ll take years to remedy that .

Trump and any other president at the time was fukked . Trump went all the way goofy with the rhetoric but Covid was gonna COVID

If COVID was around when Obama was president he would’ve got fukked too . How ? He fukked up Swine Flu…shyt just happened to work out.

I don’t blame Biden for Inflation . He was just stuck with it
Trumps rhetoric and inaction killed millions! Wtf?

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
If you're Black and can vote but refuse to, you're misinformed and a race traitor

Your parents and grandparents at the very least know someone who was attacked, intimidated, or otherwise refused the right to vote just because of their skin color

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
I really don’t understand how people still think Trump is even a choice? Dude has multiple failed businesses, is a rapist and a felon. Friends with Epstein who is pdf and possibly was involved in pdf stuff himself. Tried to overthrow the election. Called GA governor to add fake votes so he can win the state. Project 2025 and wants to be a dictator. 80 years old with declining cognitive abilities and multiple other factors. And yet people still want him back?

Is it because those people don’t have education or why are they even considered Trump at this point? I’m genuinely confused, can someone explain to me?
Isnt it obvious :mjpls: