DOG OWNERS STEP IN...... Let's talk...


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
when it pisses on the floor when its young take it roughly by the collar and put its nose either in it or close to it and yell "NO". it will get the point fast seriously. also give it a treat after it goes outside and pees and poos they love it and will never mess in the house

ive had three dogs i know a lot about them

I see you're an expert on more than just male genitals :leon:

I've been reading that you should reward good behavior and try not to punish too much, but I like your balanced approach... :salute:

The training just takes time and patience, it will eventually do what you want it to do. Use a lot of treats and don't let them learn bad habits, like sitting on the furniture or bed etc, if that aint what you want.

Don't take the dog off of heartworm treatment either. That's some pretty serious shyt.
you treat a dog good, and you got a friend till it goes away.

"Heartworming" treatment :ehh:

Man I can't wait... Do you think there is a behavior difference between male and female dogs?


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
i hope ur ready cause dogs are expensive and cost a lot of money in maintenance

also get dog insurance
This is part of my preparation.. Getting used to parting with my money. Vet, grooming, food, All the extra items like toys, kennel, paying someone to watch him If I travel :whoo:

I'm definitely getting ready for all that shyt:whew:

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
I see you're an expert on more than just male genitals :leon:

I've been reading that you should reward good behavior and try not to punish too much, but I like your balanced approach... :salute:

"Heartworming" treatment :ehh:

Man I can't wait... Do you think there is a behavior difference between male and female dogs?

I heard there is, but female dogs have menstrual cycles, so if you dont get them spayed, they will drip blood all through the house. I've never had a female dog, so I can't really give you an opinion on that. Im sure it has a lot to do with the breeds.

Heartworm treatment is just a treat you give them once a month, keep those fukkin worms out of the heart.
Jun 19, 2012
I have an 8 mo old Siberian Husky than i'm training to follow commands. Very tough as they are a work dog and independent for the most part.

I say that start with the treats but slowly get her or him away from the treats and start rewarding with praise etc. Reason being that if you command the dog to do something and you arent holding anything in your hand you might get the :what: from your dog.

Use treats to get the point across that they have done something good and reinforce that concept with praise.

Other than that. Lots of people will say to keep them off the couch etc, I haven't found these things to be problems as long as they know who's boss. An easy way to tell is if they're asking for your permission. If you're on the couch and your dog just lays there until you invite him or her then you're dog knows you're the alpha. If it just hopes on the bed and couch without so much of a glance in your direction you may have some issues


my .02

Good luck


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
Socialization is crucial. Find a dog park and take them as much as you can. I think this helped alot in training and personality. My dog is 1 now and he has the perfect temperment. Hes not afraid of humans or animals but hes also not a punk.

Whoop her ass when she acts up. Some people might not agree but o whooped mine to nip bad habits and establish dominance. I dont have to do it as much now that hes an adult and he listens very well. Hes not afraid of my hand because i didnt overdo it and i made sire to balance the discipline with lots of love. I treat him like a baby and pamper him so he knows he is loved.

Two things that will make your dog buff as shyt are peanut butter and tug of war games. Buy a kong toy and put peanut butter in and give it to him to keep him busy while your gone. My dog has more muscles than most nyggas out here hes a small breed but he weighs a solid 30 pounds and its all muscle.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
I bought my girl a dog for christmas worst decision I have ever made in my life. Shi Tzu/Poodle the hoe is annoying. I gotten her very young which I didn't know anything about she was about 8 weeks. Teething and the training, it is like having a child again.


All Star
Jun 15, 2012
When i potty trained my dog i would watch him very closely and when i caught him pissin i would yell no and take him outside to let him finish then pet him and say good boy. If i didnt catch him in the act id rub his nose in it and whoop his ass. Whenever he acted up or i didnt feel like watching him hed go in his kennel which he hated so he learned quick. Also invest in some out! Spray from walmart to use on accidents. It works like a charm ive gotten down and smelled the mess amd it leaves no smell or stain. Gets rid of that nasty dog smell in your house

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I used to breed and raise Rottweilers. I can definitley tell u that being stern when they misbehave and reward them when they do good behavior is key. Make sure u get all the neccesary shots/vacccinations for your puppy. Parvo is deadly. I've seen dogs die from that shyt.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
never formally trained either of my dogs, but they can follow simple commands like sit, outside, come here, and stuff like that. as long as they use the bathroom outside, I'm good. as the only thing they seem to like to chew up is discarded paper towels that are in the garbage can :manny:


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
When i potty trained my dog i would watch him very closely and when i caught him pissin i would yell no and take him outside to let him finish then pet him and say good boy. If i didnt catch him in the act id rub his nose in it and whoop his ass. Whenever he acted up or i didnt feel like watching him hed go in his kennel which he hated so he learned quick. Also invest in some out! Spray from walmart to use on accidents. It works like a charm ive gotten down and smelled the mess amd it leaves no smell or stain. Gets rid of that nasty dog smell in your house

this worked for us. our 2nd dog is a mutt chihuhuahua/weenie and when we first got him, he was pissing on the floor with reckless abandon. and I used to rub his nose in that all the time and put him outside. eventually he learned to use the bathroom outside only. since he follows my older dog at ALL TIMES, I believe he learned to mimmick his behavior as well, cuz my older dog never has accidents in the house.


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
I plan on quitting my job in about a month to two months and I'll have about a month and a half of free-time during the summer... In this free time I will be purchasing a female Basenji(Preferable one that is 6-9 weeks old) and raising the bytch as my own child...

This will be my first dog and I don't want to fukk it up..

I want my dog to be WELL TRAINED... I want her to be able to sit, lay down, back up, walk to my front and stop at my feet, and walk and stop behind my legs... They don't bark so I don't care to make her "speak"

My question is... Is there a special order I need to go by when teaching commands?

Share some methods you use to train your puppies..

Any tips you have are welcomed...

Also, lemme know your dog breed and any other stories about your pups you would like to share...

I am taking this serious and making sure I have everything down well before I make my purchase..

Daaam dude I just sat here and broke all the shyt down from my perspective but fukk, like the last 30 min's..friggin somehow the site logged out and lost all the shyt I wrote. :what:

1st off you the Alpha/Pack Leader..pup will be looking to you for guidance (this is where praise for proper action comes in at)

Pack leaders dont praise the sub's for just any reason so once the dog knows this it will please you to get praise.

Anyhow, look into crate training your pup

DOnt treat the dog like a human..

Once you start training your dog, you can use a toy or praise for reward not a treat.

So only praise dog when associating with training.

You can start this out when housebreaking, yet starts with the crate trainings, diet control, on leash, and a poop schedule.

order of commands-come-stay/sit-lay/heel-back up.

Learn and read up on diff training techniques most will be similar.

Dogs I plan on breeding-Cane Corso or Italian Mastiffs



Jun 19, 2012
Daaam dude I just sat here and broke all the shyt down from my perspective but fukk, like the last 30 min's..friggin somehow the site logged out and lost all the shyt I wrote. :what:

1st off you the Alpha/Pack Leader..pup will be looking to you for guidance (this is where praise for proper action comes in at)

Pack leaders dont praise the sub's for just any reason so once the dog knows this it will please you to get praise.

Anyhow, look into crate training your pup

DOnt treat the dog like a human..

Once you start training your dog, you can use a toy or praise for reward not a treat.

So only praise dog when associating with training.

You can start this out when housebreaking, yet starts with the crate trainings, diet control, on leash, and a poop schedule.

order of commands-come-stay/sit-lay/heel-back up.

Learn and read up on diff training techniques most will be similar.

Dogs I plan on breeding-Cane Corso or Italian Mastiffs




I have practiced alot of the stuff you preached. Especially the alpha mentality and not rewarding with treats... I have also started what I call barrier training.

Meaning all doors and gateways in the house belong to me. Just because a door opens doesn't mean the dog can go through it before I do or at all without my permission. It was a struggle at first but its going great. So far she's 8 months but very very bright. Did you free feed your pups in the beginning or did you regulate meals from the very beginning?

Also What do you suggest for off leach activities ? I eventually want to get to a point where I can let my dog off the leash in remote parks and maybe for a morning jog . But I am told with this breed that they will run FOR SURE and there's not much that can be done its just in their breed. Any thoughts?

For those that give a sh)t heres my dog at 6 months



Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
I have practiced alot of the stuff you preached. Especially the alpha mentality and not rewarding with treats... I have also started what I call barrier training.

Meaning all doors and gateways in the house belong to me. Just because a door opens doesn't mean the dog can go through it before I do or at all without my permission. It was a struggle at first but its going great. So far she's 8 months but very very bright. Did you free feed your pups in the beginning or did you regulate meals from the very beginning?

Also What do you suggest for off leach activities ? I eventually want to get to a point where I can let my dog off the leash in remote parks and maybe for a morning jog . But I am told with this breed that they will run FOR SURE and there's not much that can be done its just in their breed. Any thoughts?

For those that give a sh)t heres my dog at 6 months

Aww man..Is that a malamute or husky? I was nvr good as distinguishing pups.

As a kid, thats one of the 1st dogs I wanted next to a pit..thanks to the lost boys movie at the time, one of fav movies:steviej:

Free feed couple days- only at 15 minute intervals. 4x a day for pups.

Honestly, I would get your dog to trust you and obey simple commands before letting off the leash.

Doggy has to know letting of the leash is a privilege and not a given, so he has to listen to you at all times(based on retrievers and dogs known to run ofter prey at drop of dime..dont want him running in traffic after critters do we?)

I would get the "leave it" and "come" commands down before any off leash activities.

Your dog IS a run run ruuuun!!

Play fetch, ride bike, get a treadmill or your dog will be FULL of energy and finds other ways to release, which you wont like.:lolbron:

Yet if you want to do off leash activities you can play search where you hide a treat in a toy and the find it, then you praise 'em.(this how you start to train for pup for tracking)