Zelda and Mario Kart are ports, Splatoon is basically a port with DLC sold at $60.
All I see on this goddamn system is game's I already played or rehashes of games, not a single new IP from this company. And dont say ARMS is a new IP, it's a minigame collection sold at $60 with no single player mode. Even Street Fighter 5 had more content than that and that game sucked ass.
Where are the 3rd party partners that were on this list that everyone was throwing at people faces?
All I see is a list of lies an empty promises and even if they're bringing games over, they're gonna be nothing but ports from last gen like Skyrim.
This is suppose to be a NEW system, it should be getting NEW games, not ports and rehashes. Not even the PS4 and XB1 had this many ports in it's first year.
If Splatoon is a port, then Smash Brawl is a port as well. Splatoon 2 has a new single player mode that carries the story of the first one, and none of the specials from the first one are in the new one with new sub weapons and an endurance co op mode. It's Splatoon 2. If it wasn't, it would be called deluxe like Pokken and MK8