exactly. prayer should be about asking god for the GUIDANCE to make yourself a better person. not asking him for "stuff". a lot of atheist have the wrong idea about what prayer actually is (should be) for christians.@murdock. Add me to the list of fools because I pray too. However, I don't treat prayer like a Christmas wish list to santa claus. It involves reflection and meditation as well.
You'll get what you want or u wont get what u want if you pray......You'll get what you want or you wont get what you want if u dont pray.
You'll get what you want or u wont get what u want if you pray......You'll get what you want or you wont get what you want if u dont pray.
Prayer isn't all about wants, as a few other posters have alluded to. I pray everyday I can radiate what God has intended us to be. I know I'm not perfect and I readily acknowledge there will be many days that I fall short, but I pray that when I do I'll be put back on the right path. I'm not here to convert non-believers into believers, I know what prayer has done for me and that's what I can attest to. Only a heathen would call someone a fool for looking to something greater than them for direction.