R.E.N. Spells Ren
There's a whole section thanking the contributors to textbooks, don't know what you're talking about. Many contributors are professors, and having gone through a couple high ranking research institutions, I assure you they DEFINITELY want props.Here's the difference though: the contributors of a textbook are doing what they do in order for the teachers to get props and get love and most people don't even thank them. The guys and gals working on a movie set are all working on one accord and not just for the glory of one person or one group, it's for the entirety of the team and without one of them, the show doesn't work. Now whether you want to do it or not is one thing, no one's judging that, but to say sitting there to show these cats some respect and show them some love is antiquated? I don't see it
'sitting there' =/= respect. You're just sitting there out of custom from yesteryear.