Do you wait for good eye contact? Pulling Chicks 101


All Star
Feb 27, 2014
Prime creator
The things i do to pull women

1. look for eye contact ( choosing)
2. hold that eye contact and have a little smile while doing it.
3 make sure she looks down or away( A sign she is submissive to my game)
4. walk over and strike up a random ass convo about our surroundings for example, weather , trees, etc (while throwing jokes in there)
5. give her my phone so she can put her number in and set up a time to meet up for coffee or ice cream. (set her up to run game on)

damn sometimes i miss being single the game never changes just the playas :myman:


The Bull
May 21, 2014
The Bull
To start the conversation, just in the street, bar, anywhere, stare at her head for a while until she notices you and either leaves, or tries to get your attention and see wtf is up. No blinking/movement, kinda un-focus your eyes like you're looking through her until you act like you snap out of it.

This forces her to realize you're there, and she'll either initiate the start of a conversation, or she'll go on about her business. Just tell her you were remembered something in your past and start in on it.

She will be interested but the rest depends on your social skills.


All Star
Feb 27, 2014
Prime creator
also while reading this tread i see some guys are scared of being rejected. let me pass along some knowledge from cats who put me up on game a long time ago. One thing you need to accept is that WOMEN DO THE CHOOSING. If a women is choosing you, you pretty much won the battle. For example if I'm at the mall doing my thing and i see a women giving me a couple of glances(Choosing). that's her way of telling me she is interested. so all i have to do is walk up and chat with her. women like confidence and the want to be lead.

also if you ask any women about rejections they will tell you this "REJECTION IS NOTHING PERSONALLY" they are just not feeling you. so charge her ass to the game and keep it moving :myman:

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
also while reading this tread i see some guys are scared of being rejected. let me pass along some knowledge from cats who put me up on game a long time ago. One thing you need to accept is that WOMEN DO THE CHOOSING. If a women is choosing you, you pretty much won the battle. For example if I'm at the mall doing my thing and i see a women giving me a couple of glances(Choosing). that's her way of telling me she is interested. so all i have to do is walk up and chat with her. women like confidence and the want to be lead.

also if you ask any women about rejections they will tell you this "REJECTION IS NOTHING PERSONALLY" they are just not feeling you. so charge her ass to the game and keep it moving :myman:

Let me preface what I'm about to say with the following... I'm smooth as fukk. One of my few talents in life is spittin at bytches. I'm so gott dam smooth sometimes I consider it a curse.

... With that being said I feel like I have a healthy "fear" of rejection and I don't think it's a problem.
Me deciding not to run up on every cute bytch I see is out of the fear of losing self control. If I score the ho number I'm "yep, I'm the shyt:youngsabo:" if she rejects me it reminds me "dam:snoop:I'm losing all self control out here chasin every hot bytch I see" which in turn hurts my overall ego. If I :whoo: a bytch and decide not to pursue it yea at first I'm :sadbron: but eventually I'm :manny: and I don't know about you but deciding not to always follow my dikk makes me feel a kinda powerful. more thing. This "if a woman gives you glances this means she's interested", no the fukk it dont :comeon:. That bytch could be thinkin you gotta funny shaped head or you look like the nikka that robbed her last week. I'd be careful with that "she looked at me that means she wants this dikk"

You nikkaz crackin me up with this women love confidence shyt :pachaha:. Like jumping into a ho face like "Behold! I have approached you to hit on you" makes women go "wow he's so confident! I feel moisture in my panties" lol


May 19, 2014
16,189 more thing. This "if a woman gives you glances this means she's interested", no the fukk it dont :comeon:. That bytch could be thinkin you gotta funny shaped head or you look like the nikka that robbed her last week. I'd be careful with that "she looked at me that means she wants this dikk"

Its that certain look that they give...You know the look. Then again, my homeboy swears that chicks be looking at him...Then he goes and gets shot down.
You nikkaz crackin me up with this women love confidence shyt :pachaha:. Like jumping into a ho face like "Behold! I have approached you to hit on you" makes women go "wow he's so confident! I feel moisture in my panties" lol[/QUOTE]

LMAO....Especially when most women consider black guys to be the thirsty.

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
Let me preface what I'm about to say with the following... I'm smooth as fukk. One of my few talents in life is spittin at bytches. I'm so gott dam smooth sometimes I consider it a curse.

... With that being said I feel like I have a healthy "fear" of rejection and I don't think it's a problem.
Me deciding not to run up on every cute bytch I see is out of the fear of losing self control. If I score the ho number I'm "yep, I'm the shyt:youngsabo:" if she rejects me it reminds me "dam:snoop:I'm losing all self control out here chasin every hot bytch I see" which in turn hurts my overall ego. If I :whoo: a bytch and decide not to pursue it yea at first I'm :sadbron: but eventually I'm :manny: and I don't know about you but deciding not to always follow my dikk makes me feel a kinda powerful. more thing. This "if a woman gives you glances this means she's interested", no the fukk it dont :comeon:. That bytch could be thinkin you gotta funny shaped head or you look like the nikka that robbed her last week. I'd be careful with that "she looked at me that means she wants this dikk"

You nikkaz crackin me up with this women love confidence shyt :pachaha:. Like jumping into a ho face like "Behold! I have approached you to hit on you" makes women go "wow he's so confident! I feel moisture in my panties" lol

I think he means if she's checking you out, not just looking in your direction. But, even then, I know a lot of girls will not look at you if they're not interested. They don't want you to get the wrong idea and try to approach.

I remember Tariq Nasheed said something to the extent of, "If a woman does not like you, she will go out of her way to not look at ya ass. It's like when you're at the gas station and you see a homeless dude walking around the parking lot. You try to avoid looking at him before he tries to come up to you and ask you if he can do something strange for some change. You don't want him to get the wrong idea so you avoid looking at him." in one of his podcasts.

You guys should also know, women tend to have to be more aware of their surroundings than men do. They have to worry about being robbed, raped, etc., more so than men do. So when you walk into a room, they can assess you rather quickly and will know whether or not they wanna cooperate within seconds. They don't need to spend time staring at your funny shaped head for more than that amount of time.
Apr 3, 2014
just hit them with the unwavering :shaq:

then they will go through a series of::stopitslime::upsetfavre::comeon::what::beli::wtb::pacspit::childplease::dwillhuh::lupe::whoa::to::dead:

still you stand there like :shaq:

that really works sometimes. :shaq:

What a lot of dudes don't realize is that it's all about confidence.

Look at somebody like Lil Wayne.

My dad once told me that Wayne looked like a troll; and upon further examination, I realized he was indeed correct.

But Wayne pulls women for two reasons: One, he has money.

But another reason, a MAIN reason he pulls them, is because of his confidence.

He might look like a troll, but on the inside, dude probably feels he's Shemar Moore; and women get drawn in by a man that has confidence like that.

So if you're confident enough to hit a woman with the :shaq: no matter what face she gives you back, and you just look at her like, I want you, woman; you can get her (sometimes).

But don't be stalkerish though. :whoa:

If you don't know what you're doing, then don't try this at home. :leostare: