Steam might as well be the console the way the pc people stan it lol, it's hard for me to see anyone new come in and try to take that space. PC ppl only care about steam.
this makes no sense
a lot of the most popular games for PC players arent even on steam
League of Legends and Valorant use Tencent app
Fortnite uses EPIC app
World of Warcraft uses Blizzard app
Blizzard loader also has Call of Duty, Diablo 4, Hearthstone, Overwatch, etc
you could go years without using Steam app to play games if you just want to play the most mainstream games
and for many years up until recently, you had to use Origin to play EA games (Apex Legends, Battlefield, Battlefront) and no Blizzard game was on Steam at all (they only recently added Diablo and Overwatch)
I dont think I opened Steam once from 2016-2019 because the games I played were originally only on the Blizzard app (Diablo, Warcraft and Overwatch)