Have you read this forum?The internet destroyed everything. It’s a gift & a curse
Online shopping is more convenient
Youngins meet women online now. The old days over
Yea.I think flagship/high end malls will always be around, but the mini, strip, and "city" malls are a thing of the past.
You crazy.Oh God No! I hated trying on clothes in a shop. I haven’t physically gone shopping for clothes in about 15 years. Hated that shyt.
Most of the High end malls have adapted to the changing times...they put in high end stores like Louis Vuitton and Gucci alongside anchor stores like Macy's.
If a mall only has shoe stores, hat stores, and a food court open...it's already dead.
This forum an outlier, most these dudes lame af & don’t associate with women like that.Have you read this forum?
Nobody meeting women online.
These men are starving
That’s why that Pineapple show thread stays bumped on here.
@Coco Loco and @RehReh clutching pearls at all this weak game in 2023.
At least at the mall you could offer a girl some ice cream or a slice of pizza.
It’s pronounced MinnesoderrrI lived in a Minnesota, if it’s like Mall of America or similar then sure. A small city mall which is most malls in America, then hell no them shyts suck