Do you so called Jews who support Israel realize it goes against the Torah

May 15, 2012
You said it was against the Torah yet brought something from the Talmud. YOU'RE the one in the wrong here. If you made a mishap, then admit it. Otherwise, YOU'RE WRONG.

No you didnt. You didnt bring one verse that states "they are to remain in exile until the messiah". Not one.

Well, I obviously believe in following the ways that were given to them by Moses. Which is why I knew it didnt say what you were saying it did. Now I did believe as you once did, till I considered the subject OBJECTIVELY.

If one doesnt have wisdom, it will be hard for that one to understand the words of the wise.

You'd think that too if you read the text yourself instead of relying on your "jewish rabbi" friend. Chapter 1:

The song of songs, which is Solomon's.
2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.

Was God wanting Solomon to kiss Him? I dont believe so. But with you ignore the surrounding verses for your interpretation that God was speaking, I guess you do. Heres another one for your temple:

I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.
2 As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.

3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

4 He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love

God was the rose of Sharon? Solomon brought God to Solomon's banqueting house? And place his banner over God? YOU'RE CONFUSED. Well that or your "jewish rabbi" friend.

I simply asked for support for your statements. The best you could give was the Talmud :mjlol:

Thats on you not I, my friend. And while I do respect jewish rabbis, I dont consider them my "religious leaders" lest I be washed away with falsehoods as some rabbi's have.

The Gemara in Ketubot (111a) derives from the triple mention of the pasuk, "I have bound you in oath, O daughters of Jerusalem" (Shir Hashirim), that Hashem bound Am Yisrael and the nations of the world with three oaths. The first oath is, "shelo yaalu bachoma," that the Jews should not forcibly, "break through the wall," and enter Eretz Yisrael. The second is that the Jews should not rebel against the nations. The third is that the nations of the world should not oppress Yisrael too much over the course of the exile. According to R. Zera, there are three additional oaths which relate to the ultimate redemption. The Gemara concludes with the threat that if Israel violates these oaths, their flesh will be made free like wild animals in the field, i.e., Hashem would bring upon them great suffering and physical destruction.

This explains it you moron, I already explained, this is from the Talmund referencing the O' daughters of jerusalem from Song of Solomon

so that brings it all together I'm not going to repeat myself again

just accept the defeat, your reaching like Mr. Fantastic
May 15, 2012
What does a "second time" mean?

And how does this verse state that ALL of Israel would be in exile UNTIL the messiah comes?

Its a two hour long video. AT least give me a synposis first lol

What does the second time mean are you SERIOUS, do you even know the story of the jews

The first time God bestowed his blessing on them, Moses lead them out of Egypt, etc, the jews were giving their land as promised by God

then they DEFIED HIM, King Solomon took up other gods and practiced witchcraft etc, so he the covenant made by the Abraham was now null and void

so it will be second time God has bestowed his hand upon them, you fukking moron


Nov 21, 2013
This explains it you moron, I already explained, this is from the Talmund referencing the O' daughters of jerusalem from Song of Solomon

so that brings it all together I'm not going to repeat myself again

just accept the defeat, your reaching like Mr. Fantastic

Somehow something from the Talmud, concerning the songs of solomon,means that the Torah is against modern day Israel's existence :mjlol: Yea. We'll pretend "everyone wins" this time instead of counting this as a loss for you since you couldnt exemplify the bible or the Torah saying what you did. Yea. You dont lose

What does the second time mean are you SERIOUS, do you even know the story of the jews

The first time God bestowed his blessing on them, Moses lead them out of Egypt, etc, the jews were giving their land as promised by God

then they DEFIED HIM, King Solomon took up other gods and practiced witchcraft etc, so he the covenant made by the Abraham was now null and void

so it will be second time God has bestowed his hand upon them, you fukking moron

So you're going to forget that they were gathered from taken to Babylon and gathered back? THEN scattered again in 70 AD?

You have no idea what you're trying to discuss at all. If you're going to call yourself a "master teacher" you need to LEARN first. You cant teach without learning
May 15, 2012
Somehow something from the Talmud, concerning the songs of solomon,means that the Torah is against modern day Israel's existence :mjlol: Yea. We'll pretend "everyone wins" this time instead of counting this as a loss for you since you couldnt exemplify the bible or the Torah saying what you did. Yea. You dont lose



So you're going to forget that they were gathered from taken to Babylon and gathered back? THEN scattered again in 70 AD?

You have no idea what you're trying to discuss at all. If you're going to call yourself a "master teacher" you need to LEARN first. You cant teach without learning

I gave it to you straight of a jewish source
provide something that contradicts it other than your meaningless statements

where does it say in the Torah they were scatteraed again in 70 AD

you realize AD means After Death of Christ, where not talking about New Testament here the jews do not follow that

I just gave the verses of the Messiah bringing to their new state
no Messiah no state this how it was told

every verse I quoted is prophecy it has not happened yet, so it negates your argument

Give me a verse in the torah saying the jews will be gathered in Israel in 1948

I gave you a video of an real rabbi, saying this, but you ignored that

Question what are the Three Oaths the jews must follow
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
What does a "second time" mean?

And how does this verse state that ALL of Israel would be in exile UNTIL the messiah comes?

Its a two hour long video. AT least give me a synposis first lol

It breaks down who the scattered of Israel are and how they got scattered. Who the people that are calling themselves Jews are. Which tribes and areas were targeted in Africa during the slave trade. It will answer a lof of the questions that are in this thread which scriptures and additional evidence backing it


Nov 21, 2013
I gave it to you straight of a jewish source
provide something that contradicts it other than your meaningless statements

Sorry that I thought that the "Jewish source" would be the Torah because of the thread title.

And let me ask, you want me to bring verses where God says HE will gather Israel? As well, do you want me to show verses that DIFFERENTIATE the Messiah from God Almighty? I can do both if you would like

where does it say in the Torah they were scatteraed again in 70 AD

The better question would be why you didnt answer the question. No one statedthat the Torah said that. What I asked was if you forgot that they were scattered to Babylon and regathered from Babylon in your "theory" that the next time God calls Israel to their land, it would be the "second time".

you realize AD means After Death of Christ, where not talking about New Testament here the jews do not follow that

You're trying to teach but you're not even aware that Israel was scattered in 70 AD? tisk tisk tisk....

I just gave the verses of the Messiah bringing to their new state
no Messiah no state this how it was told

I never disagreed that Israel would be gathered by the Messiah. But it doesnt say that "Israel would be in exile till the Messiah comes" as you originally stated.

every verse I quoted is prophecy it has not happened yet, so it negates your argument

Give me a verse in the torah saying the jews will be gathered in Israel in 1948

:mjlol: You're getting desperate my friend. Just remember a good teacher shouldnt have so much pride that he or she cannot admit wrongdoing or mistakes.

If you want a verse of God saying HE will gather Israel to their land I can do that. Just ask. If you want to see the verse exactly as you typed it, sorry cant do it. Just as I couldnt give you the 70 AD date out of the Torah either. The date is NOT in there.

I gave you a video of an real rabbi, saying this, but you ignored that

Question what are the Three Oaths the jews must follow

Your thread title says TORAH. The talmud or the video of a "real rabbi" is not the Torah.

It doesnt matter what the three oaths are UNLESS, its in the Torah. Its not right? So can you admit that its not the Torah that says this so we could move on to discussing what you want to discuss from the Talmud rabbis?


Nov 21, 2013
It breaks down who the scattered of Israel are and how they got scattered. Who the people that are calling themselves Jews are. Which tribes and areas were targeted in Africa during the slave trade. It will answer a lof of the questions that are in this thread which scriptures and additional evidence backing it

Ok I'll give it a look though Im sure its a video pretending that ALL Jews are Khazars and that only AMERICAN BLACKS (among others scattered to this side of the world like Native Americans, Haitians etc...) are of Israel

Am I close to it?
May 15, 2012
Sorry that I thought that the "Jewish source" would be the Torah because of the thread title.

And let me ask, you want me to bring verses where God says HE will gather Israel? As well, do you want me to show verses that DIFFERENTIATE the Messiah from God Almighty? I can do both if you would like

The better question would be why you didnt answer the question. No one statedthat the Torah said that. What I asked was if you forgot that they were scattered to Babylon and regathered from Babylon in your "theory" that the next time God calls Israel to their land, it would be the "second time".

You're trying to teach but you're not even aware that Israel was scattered in 70 AD? tisk tisk tisk....

I never disagreed that Israel would be gathered by the Messiah. But it doesnt say that "Israel would be in exile till the Messiah comes" as you originally stated.

:mjlol: You're getting desperate my friend. Just remember a good teacher shouldnt have so much pride that he or she cannot admit wrongdoing or mistakes.

If you want a verse of God saying HE will gather Israel to their land I can do that. Just ask. If you want to see the verse exactly as you typed it, sorry cant do it. Just as I couldnt give you the 70 AD date out of the Torah either. The date is NOT in there.

Your thread title says TORAH. The talmud or the video of a "real rabbi" is not the Torah.

It doesnt matter what the three oaths are UNLESS, its in the Torah. Its not right? So can you admit that its not the Torah that says this so we could move on to discussing what you want to discuss from the Talmud rabbis?

I gave you verses that said Israel is in exile until the Messiah returns, I'm not going to repeat myself over and over again, you're trolling now

I gave the AD example to show how to stupid your argument style is what you doing is semantics

I gave how the Talumd refrences the song of solomons which is a fact

the three oaths do matter because this is what jews are taught in school, which makes them in contrary to their own doctrine

All you can do is throw spin

the bottom line is the role of the messiah is to bring the jews into Israel, this is his reason for coming, if the Jews could have their own state why would they need a messiah, why would they need to be redeemed, this is the whole point of the story

I can give you more verses, but you're just going to do the same thing

so the entire point is thread is the are The Jews following their own doctrine the answer is NO, are the jews violating their own doctrine the answer is YES

there's no way around it, the fact that they are jews who feel this is evidence enough


Nov 21, 2013
I gave you verses that said Israel is in exile until the Messiah returns, I'm not going to repeat myself over and over again, you're trolling now

No you gave me the verses that show that the Messiah would help regather people from countries they were exiled to. NO VERSE said "Israel is in exile until the Messiah returns."

I gave the AD example to show how to stupid your argument style is what you doing is semantics

I never asked you anything similar. What I asked was for you to present something from the Torah that exemplified what you were saying. You couldnt and you're not even man enough to admit it. Instead you go to songs of Solomon (which doesnt say what you say it does) and the Talmud.

I gave how the Talumd refrences the song of solomons which is a fact

Neither of which are the "Torah" which is in your thread title
the three oaths do matter because this is what jews are taught in school, which makes them in contrary to their own doctrine

Then say that. Say its against their "doctrine". Dont say "Torah" then move to the "songs of Solomon" and then the talmud and act as if you have proved something

the bottom line is the role of the messiah is to bring the jews into Israel, this is his reason for coming, if the Jews could have their own state why would they need a messiah, why would they need to be redeemed, this is the whole point of the story

They need "God" not the messiah. The messiah would come and tell them that. Not that they need him lol

I mean did Moses act as if Israel needed him? Or did he act as if they needed God?

I can give you more verses, but you're just going to do the same thing

Again, to say "more" means you would have had to have brought at least ONE. You havent.

so the entire point is thread is the are The Jews following their own doctrine the answer is NO, are the jews violating their own doctrine the answer is YES

First you said doctrine now you're saying "doctrine". Im sure you wont even admit its not in the Torah lol

there's no way around it, the fact that they are jews who feel this is evidence enough

There are jews that feel opposite but Im sure thats not enough evidence somehow.
May 15, 2012
No you gave me the verses that show that the Messiah would help regather people from countries they were exiled to. NO VERSE said "Israel is in exile until the Messiah returns."


I never asked you anything similar. What I asked was for you to present something from the Torah that exemplified what you were saying. You couldnt and you're not even man enough to admit it. Instead you go to songs of Solomon (which doesnt say what you say it does) and the Talmud.

Neither of which are the "Torah" which is in your thread title

Then say that. Say its against their "doctrine". Dont say "Torah" then move to the "songs of Solomon" and then the talmud and act as if you have proved something

They need "God" not the messiah. The messiah would come and tell them that. Not that they need him lol

I mean did Moses act as if Israel needed him? Or did he act as if they needed God?

Again, to say "more" means you would have had to have brought at least ONE. You havent.

First you said doctrine now you're saying "doctrine". Im sure you wont even admit its not in the Torah lol

There are jews that feel opposite but Im sure thats not enough evidence somehow.

your not making any sense now

please stop posting like this because I don't want to read it, hurts the eyes

Once again your running semantics, but two can play that game

I gave you the king verses and plenty others speaking of the messiah you just choose to ignore them

also the title of the thread says it GOES AGAINST THE TORAH

doesn't say states in those words, which is what you arguing because you know those exact words aren't in there, it's slick and pity

only person gave an honest answer, he understood exactly what I was talking about, you're just on some dumb shyt

it goes against it, because it
contradicts the story, it proves their religion false

The Messiah is suppose to come gather the jews into Israel, the fact Israel exists contradicts that

The main reasons jews and christians beef is because they don't believe jesus was the messiah in the old testament
because the prophecy wasn't fulfilled. The jews did not gather in israel and the government was not established, none of the shyt happened that was said was written.

So let me break it down for lineal fashion because you jump around all over place like silly child just trying to win some kind of fictional battle against me and it's hilarious you idolize me so much

Ezekiel 38:16
And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

God is saying the Latter days, which mean the end of days, a war will be going, this is predicting the circumstance from which the messiah will come

Isaiah 2:2-4
2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of theLord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

the name of the land God will give to his children is Zion not Israel, and this verse from the old testament states when it will be established


Nov 21, 2013
This will be my last time going thru your posts in this fashion. If you come back, and do not admit your mishap of saying "torah" when it doesnt say or suggest such a thing, and instead continue to repeat yourself, then I'll just shoot you a friendly goodbye afterwards. Maybe I'll respond though maybe not.

your not making any sense now

please stop posting like this because I don't want to read it, hurts the eyes

If you dont want to read God's instruction, and it hurts your eyes to do so,then I dont know what to tell you. Maybe consider if you have an evil spirit with you.

Once again your running semantics, but two can play that game

Its not semantics when I hold you to your thread title.You said "torah" then preceded to bring things from the Talmud and songs of solomon. Dont blame me for pointing out the difference lol
I gave you the king verses and plenty others speaking of the messiah you just choose to ignore them

also the title of the thread says it GOES AGAINST THE TORAH

doesn't say states in those words, which is what you arguing because you know those exact words aren't in there, it's slick and pity

You didnt bring anything from the Torah to show how it "goes against" it. Again, YOUR FAULT, not mine.

only person gave an honest answer, he understood exactly what I was talking about, you're just on some dumb shyt

A "Black Hebrew Israelite" and a "muslim" agreeing with you concerning this topic isnt something to brag about. Considering their beliefs, its of no surprise to me.

it goes against it, because it
contradicts the story, it proves their religion false

I wont even ask how it "contradicts the story" or what "story" its contradicting. It was tiring enough continuously asking you to bring something from the Torah lol

The Messiah is suppose to come gather the jews into Israel, the fact Israel exists contradicts that

Nowhere did it say that the Messiah would gather ALL of exiled Israel. Just that he would gather them. It didnt say they would be exiled UNTIL the messiah came either. That doesnt matter though because you want to believe otherwise.

The main reasons jews and christians beef is because they don't believe jesus was the messiah in the old testament
because the prophecy wasn't fulfilled. The jews did not gather in israel and the government was not established, none of the shyt happened that was said was written.

Theres alot more to it than that. Which is why some jews believe there are TWO messiahs.
So let me break it down for lineal fashion because you jump around all over place like silly child just trying to win some kind of fictional battle against me and it's hilarious you idolize me so much

Ezekiel 38:16
And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

God is saying the Latter days, which mean the end of days, a war will be going, this is predicting the circumstance from which the messiah will come

But wait,isnt that about to happen these days? Arent people about to go to war with Israel in THESE DAYS that they have been gathered to their land? If you dont know, look at Israel's enemies and tell me if their enemies are allies with Russia (Magog or Gog)

Isaiah 2:2-4
2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of theLord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

the name of the land God will give to his children is Zion not Israel, and this verse from the old testament states when it will be established

So somehow in this "linear timeline"that you presented, God brought Gog against his land (Israel), but the land (Israel) will not be established till AFTER the war and the messiah comes? I see that if you're not going to admit the backtracking you've been doing in this thread, I cant expect honesty in other places. You got i my friend.

God forgot to tell people in the law, the prophets, or Jesus that a "fake" Israel would pop up before the "real" one. Must have slipped His mind.
May 15, 2012
This will be my last time going thru your posts in this fashion. If you come back, and do not admit your mishap of saying "torah" when it doesnt say or suggest such a thing, and instead continue to repeat yourself, then I'll just shoot you a friendly goodbye afterwards. Maybe I'll respond though maybe not.

If you dont want to read God's instruction, and it hurts your eyes to do so,then I dont know what to tell you. Maybe consider if you have an evil spirit with you.

Its not semantics when I hold you to your thread title.You said "torah" then preceded to bring things from the Talmud and songs of solomon. Dont blame me for pointing out the difference lol

You didnt bring anything from the Torah to show how it "goes against" it. Again, YOUR FAULT, not mine.

A "Black Hebrew Israelite" and a "muslim" agreeing with you concerning this topic isnt something to brag about. Considering their beliefs, its of no surprise to me.

I wont even ask how it "contradicts the story" or what "story" its contradicting. It was tiring enough continuously asking you to bring something from the Torah lol

Nowhere did it say that the Messiah would gather ALL of exiled Israel. Just that he would gather them. It didnt say they would be exiled UNTIL the messiah came either. That doesnt matter though because you want to believe otherwise.

Theres alot more to it than that. Which is why some jews believe there are TWO messiahs.

But wait,isnt that about to happen these days? Arent people about to go to war with Israel in THESE DAYS that they have been gathered to their land? If you dont know, look at Israel's enemies and tell me if their enemies are allies with Russia (Magog or Gog)

So somehow in this "linear timeline"that you presented, God brought Gog against his land (Israel), but the land (Israel) will not be established till AFTER the war and the messiah comes? I see that if you're not going to admit the backtracking you've been doing in this thread, I cant expect honesty in other places. You got i my friend.

God forgot to tell people in the law, the prophets, or Jesus that a "fake" Israel would pop up before the "real" one. Must have slipped His mind.

Your talking in circles, I slaughtered you take your L and keep it moving