Do You See The United States Improving For Black Folk Now? (I Don't Have Faith Anymore)


Tupac KONY and GOAT
Jun 23, 2013
It's true. I already hear the militant brigade coming.
But I should apologize, White Supremacists are mowing down our neighbourhoods and we can't do nothing about it. We are sitting ducks.


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
It's true. I already hear the militant brigade coming.
But I should apologize, White Supremacists are mowing down our neighbourhoods and we can't do nothing about it. We are sitting ducks.
I've never said such a thing. I've only presented real socioeconomic fallacies created and maintained by white racist capitalists, but I've also stated repeatedly that there is opportunity for transforming the system;

You shouldn't apologize for your opinions. Stand by them. But its clear from your posts and your generalized contempt for Blacks that you are not knowledgeable of how the Black community operates and you don't respect the historical trends of racial oppression nor our resistance to it. I suggest you do some reading and some investigating as I guarantee you will change your views.


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
We are both arguing the same thing here. Firstly, Capitalism has always been the dividing factor and socialization process here in America; starting with the indentured servants and Native Americans in Jamestown and other settlements, it is meant to create divisions and classes where only a few can succeed to maximize surplus value. Chattel slavery was implemented to further increase the surplus value. RACIALIZED categories and racism was then brought in to keep people divided and further the socialization process. Once commercial capitalism ended with slave trade abolishment in 1808, King cotton and agricultural capitalism BOOMED across the globe, thus giving white capitalists more need to increase racial divides. Laws were written and policies were passed that exist to this day. Following the Gilded Age, agricultural capitalism transformed into industrial capitalism and you have the first Black industrial working class created with the Great Migration, so again, white racist capitalists restructured their laws and policies to further racial divides so workers could not unite against capitalism. There was a moment during reconstruction when black and white workers could have united, but it was foiled for multiple reasons...

Fast forward to today: now it is neoliberal global capitalism and the racial divides are so deep and foundational to the system that they cannot be reformed. When housing policies, labor policies, social service policies, etc. are written and passed, they are based on these historical racist and unequal roots. The reason I went into the history is to suggest that its not simply race or capitalism, its BOTH. Its a racialized capitalist state. So you and I agree that capitalism is at the heart of the problem; but my point is that racism fuels the divides so that we cannot unite to combat the lack of resources in our communities.

To your last point to where they can't stop us from working hard. That is true. But they can prohibit you from having the resources to compete while working hard so that you only get to a certain level in the socioeconomic ladder. There is a great book called Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell you should check out. It argues that certain resources and historical foundations greatly determine how certain ethnicities and races are positioned in this society.
This conversation is getting real deep lol. Back on topic, based on your description of the capitalistic system, I think we are in an agreement with the formation of capitalism system that it was inevitable that group distinctions were gonna be made. It just so happen that race works best as a dividing property than stuff like language, religion, and regional differences because of human nature and I think that explains why groups like the Italians assimilated to the system better than blacks.

Okay, that all makes sense, and it kinda explains why Asian population size allow them to succeed(even with the success they're to small to hurt whites). Now its about modern day dividing factors. Your stance is the system foundation is built so deeply in what the system use to be its impossible for blacks, or any non-white to ever compete and advance in this "game" regardless of all the modern day opportunities that minority groups now have. And that the elite whites are allegedly keeping these rules in place to prevent them from losing their grasp moreso than inherently keeping blacks down because they inherently hate them.

This open up some alarming contradiction in my eyes though. If whites want non-whites at middle to bottom of the class system because that benefits them the most than why have whites done so many things in the last 100 yrs that goes against that logic? Constantly allowing the improvement of black rights, loosening the immigration laws which has transformed the racial demographic of the country, and allowing Hispanics to get to the point were they have the power to out number whites in their own territory. I mean, whites have gone out their way to make this a multi-racial country, but yet I am lead to believe that black ppl are still being oppressed by them, and it is impossible in the current system that they have in set will change? I must say this idea white ppl are preventing blacks and other minorities to prosper is becoming more and more non-nonsensical to me because their actions are showing the total opposite to me.

Well, what do you propose to fix this than? Within reason of course.
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Nov 4, 2014
African Americans don't have anything to prove to america, when we've tried be model minorities in this country they've exhibited nothing but malice towards us. Richard Nixon admitted the sole purpose of the creation of the DEA was to indirectly target black people. That's been well within a hundred years, you have a former head of FBI j edgar hoover on record stating that he "aimed to prevent the rise of a black messiah" through cointelpro, I have yet to see the Asian equivalent to that.

"Look, we understood we couldn't make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. We understood that drugs were not the health problem we were making them out to be, but it was such a perfect issue...that we couldn't resist it."

John Ehrlichman, White House counsel to President Nixon

I'm sure back in the "peace and love" era of the 70s when brothas started to experience white p*ssy and drive shiny cadillacs they thought the vestiges of black aimed racism had vanished forever. Obviously, that wasn't the case.

The only possible way in 2015 I can begin to give america the benefit of the doubt is to address the reparations issue.
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
This a ridiculous notion for 2 main reasons; first, Asian Americans make up less than 6 percent of the population and actually CHOSE to come here. The reason why many of them are in the small middle class is because its only a few of them here. Second, they have a COMPLETELY different historical context than Blacks in this country. You cannot compare our two racial experiences as we were written into the constitution to remain inferior in the political, economic, and social sense.

As for the threads topic, in the current system, it will not improve. Reform is a bullshyt notion. Transformation is the key term we need for America to progress. The system must transform.

Wed be foolish to expect the same system that's oppressing us to transform. There's only one solution, and its for us to do for ourselves and protect ourselves from our enemies.