Do You Respect Women That Have Had Abortions

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Yes, I stopped reading after the first sentence.:deadrose:

You've checked out mentally and are now on the verge of showing disrespect because of your defese of baby killing. Yea, you definately have some dark spirits in your life that i feel you should work on before you come back to this discussion. Have a good day, i guess, friend.
Aug 12, 2012

You've checked out mentally and are now on the verge of showing disrespect because of your defese of baby killing. Yea, you definately have some dark spirits in your life that i feel you should work on before you come back to this discussion. Have a good day, i guess, friend.


Reading comprehension friend :umad: :smile:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Well I meant the pregancy moreso than the abortion

But at the end of the day, if you get with a chick who has had multiple abortions and she tells you she has had none how would you know?

You probably wouldn't, most chicks aren't going to willing tell anyone that. And we know guys would rather be with a female with no kids then females that has a kid so thats probably why alot of females have them especially younger females....

Chances are a female who gets an abortion isn't married so having sex out of wedlock is already a sin, so I'm not sure why you would judge a chick who has an abortion any harshly than you do a female who has premartial sex and has the child

I would ask her if she ever had an abortion and if she told me she did, i would promptly leave her or demote our relationship to not serious. Its important to ask and to find honesty in your woman. If she is going to lie about it well, i guess you'll never know but you definately have the right to know. The fact you think most women will lie or not tell you if they had an abortion shows how demonic you think women who have abortions really are, subconciously.

Its so demonic, friend. :sitdown:


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
I see. I think women with the balls to murder their children are a different breed of woman. A demonic breed. Theres a stat that says 65 percent of women who didnt have abortions wish they had one, after the fact. A woman with a child, still wishing her baby was dead. Its so demonic, friends. :sitdown:

But these are the women you all respect and want to wife. Is it getting hot in here? :whew:

I guess. But, to be fair, I think that as a man you can't really form an unbiased opinion on the matter because you would never know what its like to have to make a decision like that. There is a difference between "I got my girl pregnant" and "I AM pregnant". Just like how a rich person could be like "drug dealers are the scum of the earth" until all their money is gone and maybe selling dope is the only means to feed their kids. Yes there are always plenty other options, but some options suit individuals better than others. :yeshrug:

I know a girl in high school who was super pro life. She made it clear what her opinion was and would tell anybody who would listen. Then one day her opinion changed. Turns out, she only THOUGHT she was pregnant and in that time was contemplating how she could get one done without her folks finding out. Its a different situation when you step into the shoes of somebody you kook down upon.

Just saying breh:yeshrug:


May 2, 2012
Yup. It's often times a very responsible decision. With that said, it should be a well thought out conclusion and shouldn't basically be birth control.

I don't even see it morally wrong until a couple months into it to be honest.


rill rill
Oct 14, 2012
When women speak on not being ready they're typically talking about careers, and not being where they want to be Financially to warrant keeping their childs life. The child will become an inconvenience to their broke life. This is why the state makes abortions so readily available because they dont want to take care of these children either so the state gives you a clinical way to murder your child so the responsibility doesnt fall on tax payers. But with 45 percent of women being repeat baby killers, its obvious they have no respect for themselves, life nor have the responsibility required to curb the behavior that got them into the situation.

This brings me back to my thread title? You respect these women? Men, should wife these women? The men seem to be saying that women with multiple abortions are demons.

Uh no. In my experience when women generally speak on not being ready they understand the enormous undertaking of motherhood and may not be in an emotional or mental capacity to take it on. Or they feel ashamed and don't want their family to know.

Now, I reiterate what I said before. A lot of women who choose abortion know that it's the right thing for them, and the right thing for the world around them. I definitely respect that at the very least. If a man doesn't want someone like that for a wife, all he has to do is simply not have anything to do with her.

How many years removed should a woman be from her abortions before shes deemed wifeable?

I don't have a set number. I do think said woman should take time to herself to evaluate what she wants out of life, instead of viewing it as an inconvenience as opposed to a wake-up call or lesson learned.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I guess. But, to be fair, I think that as a man you can't really form an unbiased opinion on the matter because you would never know what its like to have to make a decision like that. There is a difference between "I got my girl pregnant" and "I AM pregnant". Just like how a rich person could be like "drug dealers are the scum of the earth" until all their money is gone and maybe selling dope is the only means to feed their kids. Yes there are always plenty other options, but some options suit individuals better than others. :yeshrug:

I know a girl in high school who was super pro life. She made it clear what her opinion was and would tell anybody who would listen. Then one day her opinion changed. Turns out, she only THOUGHT she was pregnant and in that time was contemplating how she could get one done without her folks finding out. Its a different situation when you step into the shoes of somebody you kook down upon.

Just saying breh:yeshrug:
Likening a drug dealer to an abortionist. I like that analogy because both people are demons. Some options better suit some individuals because some individuals, ARE DEMONIC!!!

God is going to test you if you have strong convictions. If you are really about that life, he is going to test you, friend. He tested that woman and in that moment of weakness she turned to demons because she couldnt handle the not so difficult ramifications of raising a child. Please dont make a deal with the devil yall. It may seem like the right thing to do but the events you set in motion by killing your child will come back for you.

Its so demonic, friend. :sitdown:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Uh no. In my experience when women generally speak on not being ready they understand the enormous undertaking of motherhood and may not be in an emotional or mental capacity to take it on. Or they feel ashamed and don't want their family to know.

Now, I reiterate what I said before. A lot of women who choose abortion know that it's the right thing for them, and the right thing for the world around them. I definitely respect that at the very least. If a man doesn't want someone like that for a wife, all he has to do is simply not have anything to do with her.

I don't have a set number. I do think said woman should take time to herself to evaluate what she wants out of life, instead of viewing it as an inconvenience as opposed to a wake-up call or lesson learned.

Do you really think they're doing it for the world or because they want to get back to twerking in the club. Again, 45 percent of women are getting repeat abortions friend. I need you to really let that sink in your noggin like conditioner. Its not as deep, brave and corageous as you're making it out to be. Maybe we should release all the gangbangers who have killed people who were killers because of the bravery it took to work their way up to taking another mans life with a gun. Maybe we should issue pardons to every man who killed a woman who had HIV. No friend no. Its sickening what you're implying here. These women are not heroes. These women played a game they couldnt handle and when they lost ran to the devil to buy their way out of their responsibility. If theres one thing the state likes, its dead babies but here women go, backflipping at 100mph to sacrafice their children in order to maintain their lifestyle.

Its so demonic, friend. :sitdown:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I don't have a set number. I do think said woman should take time to herself to evaluate what she wants out of life, instead of viewing it as an inconvenience as opposed to a wake-up call or lesson learned.

Should women who have multiple abortions be forced to get a marriage certificate before they can have sex again.


rill rill
Oct 14, 2012
Do you really think they're doing it for the world or because they want to get back to twerking in the club. Again, 45 percent of women are getting repeat abortions friend. I need you to really let that sink in your noggin like conditioner. Its not as deep, brave and corageous as you're making it out to be. Maybe we should release all the gangbangers who have killed people who were killers because of the bravery it took to work their way up to taking another mans life with a gun. Maybe we should issue pardons to every man who killed a woman who had HIV. No friend no. Its sickening what you're implying here. These women are not heroes. These women played a game they couldnt handle and when they lost ran to the devil to buy their way out of their responsibility. If theres one thing the state likes, its dead babies but here women go, backflipping at 100mph to sacrafice their children in order to maintain their lifestyle.

Its so demonic, friend. :sitdown:

When I mentioned the world I wasn't talking about it from their perspective but rather the people they have relationships with, like friends and family.

I've made no mention of courage or bravery but okay.

It's fine if you want to continue to demonize them. I don't care. That's up to you.

Should women who have multiple abortions be forced to get a marriage certificate before they can have sex again.


Their multiple abortions are their business. Once you start infringing on whether they can have sex again or not you're doing too much. It's generally a symptom of a larger issue but it's none of your concern whether they get help for it or not.