As some have stated, the disrespect comes from both ends. Neither end is disrespectful under its own auspices however. White supremacy makes it so that black men and black women live in an unnatural family state.
Under white supremacy, black men struggle to provide and protect women and children. Women feel insecure in that kind of environment. If female cannot depend on male for safety and sustenance, she becomes resentful towards male. This is not even limited to the human dynamic. There have been studies done in the animal kingdom that confirm the same type of activity when the male species is systematically handicapped from being able to do what the male species does...provide food and shelter for its female counterpart. The female counterpart then becomes antagonistic towards the male out of resentment and frustration due to having to nurture and provide for their young.
Under white supremacy, the black experience is a manufactured one. One where the family is in disarray. So, neither side is right or without blame.
Some black men, as someone stated, feel so beat down by white supremacy, usually due to a lack of understanding of it, that they take out their anger and frustration on the closest outlet...the black woman.
Some black women are so caught up in their own frustration and resentment that they cannot see the "why" as to the situation regarding black men. And so, they falsely assign negative attributes to the whole of black men as being lazy, unmotivated and "aint sh#t."
Black men and black women would be best served by understanding the system of white supremacy. Then they'd most likely have a better perspective on why they think the way they do about each other. Just blindly saying that "black men and women need to respect each other" and "black people need more unity" is almost intellectually lazy.