Knuckles Red
Like another poster said--there are some black dudes who feel powerless and use black women as punching bags to feel
superior over someone. This is why you see black dudes, on here, using white male talking points that don't apply to the
black community to shyt on black women. Also, LOL @ posters in here talking about "b...b...but all men..." Funny thing is
these would be the same posters bytching and complaining about white people saying "all lives matter" when discussing
issues specific to the black community.
superior over someone. This is why you see black dudes, on here, using white male talking points that don't apply to the
black community to shyt on black women. Also, LOL @ posters in here talking about "b...b...but all men..." Funny thing is
these would be the same posters bytching and complaining about white people saying "all lives matter" when discussing
issues specific to the black community.