Do you cold approach???

Do you cold approach?

  • Yes. My thirst level be thru the roof.

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • No. I don't chase hoes, hoes chase me.

    Votes: 34 72.3%

  • Total voters

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
For full disclosure. I do. How often depends on my thirst level on any given day. I'm team Nofap/NoPorn so the sight of an attractive woman is quite stimulating...

I think of it like a sport... And my "approach" depends on the environment/ atmosphere. My daily routine is quite active. The gym. The grocery store. The car wash. The job... etc.. These places (minus the job) usually have a decent amount of attractive women so of course the opportunity presents itself.

My strategy is pretty simple and direct. I'll even say it to myself after seeing a good looking woman at place I'm at. But first she has to see me, or we have to make some kind of eye contact. Never sneak up on a woman to shoot your shot. Surprising her from behind could startle her, which will make more of her guards go up.. After we make some sort of eye contact or subtle head nod/ hello... I say to myself if she comes within a 15ft radius of me, I'm spittin.. Establish some sort of dialogue. Something random with layer of charm or humor.

I normally scan the area around her first. There's always a chance she has a bf or husband and he may be close by just out of view. The last thing you want is to be all :shaq: with a chick as her husband is walking up behind you. But it's always a risk worth taking. If she's with someone significantly older than her it's abort mission. Its probably her mother, grandmother, great aunt or whatever elder family female and usually chicks ain't going for "what up tho" in front of their mom
... Scan her left hand for wedding band. If she's wearing it's usually abort mission, unless she's showing signs of "friendly" with you. Then it becomes a choice whether to be a scumbag and shoot anyway or a nice guy and leave somebody's pretty wife alone..

Case in point this morning I saw a bad chick walking thru Walmart parking lot as I was parking. Couldn't help but notice her bright red dress and how it complimented her hips swinging into the entrance. After I parked I thought "within a 15ft radius".. Sure enough soon as I walk in she's right there browsing thru apples. She looks up and sees me. (Box checked.) But I notice sparkling band on her left hand/ ring finger.. I kept it movin, we crossed paths again in the juice aisle. I say "excuse me mam, but you look great"... She smiles says thank you.. (Box checked. Dialogue). I kept it movin again... So now it's nice guy or scum bag.. I pass her again in the bread aisle in this time she speaks to me saying "you're carrying too many items, dont you need a cart? :usure:" ...
I say "You right" as we both laugh passing each other... (Box checked. Continuing to be "friendly")

I could've went for the kill shot, but I'm a nice guy today :manny:

And to the bad bytch in the red dress's husband waiting on her at home...
...You're welcome :francis:


Oct 30, 2017
Idk I feel like it’s cringe now. I work at this mall rn where there’s a cookie Asian bytch w a fat ass and I be seeing thirsty ass security guards stopping at her booth to talk smiling all goofy n shyt while I walk around w a mug lol and she was staring at me both times I walked by u imo they like the staring game. If she sends a signal and I’m feeling her then yeah but other than that I’m not taking the risk of rejection from a girl I deem basic

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
Cold approaching is for lames. You gonna come up to a woman you don't know like that and chat her up? Why? She gotta make a move at me for me to even try. Why exert that much effort over hoes? Talking to a stranger you don't know. Now it's different if a girl obviously likes you. You go to the grocery store and "accidentally" keep bumping into her when she's obviously following you. That's when you talk a woman up. But actively chasing a woman? Nah.

If you're truly good looking to a woman she will come up to you point blank and say hi. So why exert effort chasing hoes?

Cold approaches do not work and put a woman on guard and just puts you on the "He's Thirsty" list with women.


Mar 11, 2022
Yes. I'm a man so I love to hunt.

I trust no man that talks against it.

The amount of 😺 I've gotten from simply walking up to a random broad and saying "hey, how you doing, you kinda cute, I had to come over here and say something to you" is crazy.

Most men are terrified of doing it so it's literally a cheat code for the rest of us with the balls and the mouthpiece.

I do acknowledge that Its always been easier for me since I'm on the handsome side so I can understand men who aren't as confident in their looks not being able to do it.

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Yes. I'm a man so I love to hunt.

I trust no man that talks against it.

The amount of 😺 I've gotten from simply walking up to a random broad and saying "hey, how you doing, you kinda cute, I had to come over here and say something to you" is crazy.

Most men are terrified of doing it so it's literally a cheat code for the rest of us with the balls and the mouthpiece.

I do acknowledge that Its always been easier for me since I'm on the handsome side so I can understand men who aren't as confident in their looks not being able to do it.
Facts. I'll never understand the mental of dudes who only talk to women who approach them. I don't want them hunting me like that I'm not a bytch. :mjlol:

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
Yes. I'm a man so I love to hunt.

I trust no man that talks against it.

The amount of 😺 I've gotten from simply walking up to a random broad and saying "hey, how you doing, you kinda cute, I had to come over here and say something to you" is crazy.

Most men are terrified of doing it so it's literally a cheat code for the rest of us with the balls and the mouthpiece.

I do acknowledge that Its always been easier for me since I'm on the handsome side so I can understand men who aren't as confident in their looks not being able to do it.

This guy gets it