Do you believe in Love?

Do you believe in Love?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 77.3%
  • No

    Votes: 10 22.7%

  • Total voters

Roberto Dinero

Dropped from #TnT
May 5, 2012
The Infamous World's End Houses
Yeah, I believe in it. I assume we are talking about romantic love here cause unconditional love for ur parents, family, old friends is not the same thing IMO.

I believe in love but I also believe not everyone will find love. A lot of people will just settle for someone they like, its good enough.

Me myself, I don't think I've ever been in love. I've been infatuated with women and been in good relationships but it was never love to me. Sometimes its hard to let my guard down and let someone in like that, so I dunno...


All Star
May 20, 2012
Haha damm yo, you bring up alot of good points.

I cant even knock ya :manny:

I agree on you with alot of points. However, I feel there is a good majority of women out there who have those characteristics that you are looking for.

Now will these said women have the phattest asses, biggest boobs, prettiest face.......weeeelllll :manny:

Maybe you gotta dumb down a lil bit in order to find what you are trully lookin for. It cant ALL be on the women, maybe you are chasing the wrong types, ya feel me. shyt anybody MAN or FEMALE who draws alot of attention from the opposite sex is more than likey to cheat or be selfish, or arrogant, or jus do some dumb shyt :yeshrug:

Bro I hear you, I told myself this around like 7 years ago. I told myself, you know what, maybe its who im looking at, and thats why Its fukking up....but check this though. I travel alot, and I've been to many countries, and different cities in this country alone, and the one consistent theme I have seen with women is this. They KNOW they are desired for sex. Think about that real hard. Everywhere in the world, Women are desired for sex.

Now the problem with this is, no matter what type of government is there, no matter what type of mentality these women are being bred with. They know men want to fukk, and its mostly because MOST men are simps, and MOST men, are going to hunt for p*ssy. This is something we will never control. No matter how many times we educate men on looking for more in life, looking for different types of pleasure in life besides busting a nut, and IF IT GETS THAT BAD....beat your dikk occasionally.

No matter how much that gets preached. Because there are so many women around, and because there are so many dudes that dont have that self motivation to stay away from women in simp terms. Women will know they have the power of the p*ssy.

The power of the p*ssy allows women to be the way they are. No matter how "good" the girl you meet is, no matter what environment she lives in, the moment you give her the validation that she is better than the rest....she will use it against you. Whether its a month from now, or 10 years from now, IT WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.

There is nothing scarier than knowing that you have someone you cherish for life, but they dont see you the same way because it can end at any moment. Whats even worse is the fact that many men will keep the cycle running because they have the need for p*ssy. Same reason why most people are still going to college, and getting raped with student loans, and no jobs after they graduate. The masses are controlled by the pipe dream, and the reality that there is no other option.


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
Bro I hear you, I told myself this around like 7 years ago. I told myself, you know what, maybe its who im looking at, and thats why Its fukking up....but check this though. I travel alot, and I've been to many countries, and different cities in this country alone, and the one consistent theme I have seen with women is this. They KNOW they are desired for sex. Think about that real hard. Everywhere in the world, Women are desired for sex.

Now the problem with this is, no matter what type of government is there, no matter what type of mentality these women are being bred with. They know men want to fukk, and its mostly because MOST men are simps, and MOST men, are going to hunt for p*ssy. This is something we will never control. No matter how many times we educate men on looking for more in life, looking for different types of pleasure in life besides busting a nut, and IF IT GETS THAT BAD....beat your dikk occasionally.

No matter how much that gets preached. Because there are so many women around, and because there are so many dudes that dont have that self motivation to stay away from women in simp terms. Women will know they have the power of the p*ssy.

The power of the p*ssy allows women to be the way they are. No matter how "good" the girl you meet is, no matter what environment she lives in, the moment you give her the validation that she is better than the rest....she will use it against you. Whether its a month from now, or 10 years from now, IT WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU.

There is nothing scarier than knowing that you have someone you cherish for life, but they dont see you the same way because it can end at any moment. Whats even worse is the fact that many men will keep the cycle running because they have the need for p*ssy. Same reason why most people are still going to college, and getting raped with student loans, and no jobs after they graduate. The masses are controlled by the pipe dream, and the reality that there is no other option.

Major part of the gameplan you are missing is. bytchES LOVE dikk JUS AS MUCH A WE LOVE p*ssy. It all boils down to attraction. Trust me man Ive been there. In order to have a easy life when it comes to women, you simply have to make yourself as attractive as you can be. Wheter its by looks, game, money, status, whateva it is. bytches wanna fukk with the best, and you really cant blame em for that. Cuz us as men, we dont really give a fukk about Stacy the good girl with no ass and tittes who got outstanding morals and 3.7 GPA

We care about Susy the big booty cutie :steviej:

Same way a bytch will overlook a swagless nerd for a man in a position of power regardless of the credentials :yeshrug:

Its jus the game we play man, it goes on both side. Nice Guys and Good Girls both take the L. You jus gotta make a self appealing and the bytches will follow. Mos dudes got it backwards they chase bytches when in reality bytches wanna chase men. Thats why you always hear stories of only a small select group of men who get all the bytches, while those same girls front on the rest of fellas in that social sphere.

dem bath salts

To be reckoned with
Jun 11, 2012
Yes love is real. I don't buy into this destiny, soul mate ish, but to an extent, you can shape your reality. But it takes work and discernment. You cant just expect things to work out if you picking bum hoes and you don't have ur mind and shyt together.


All Star
May 20, 2012
Major part of the gameplan you are missing is. bytchES LOVE dikk JUS AS MUCH A WE LOVE p*ssy. It all boils down to attraction. Trust me man Ive been there. In order to have a easy life when it comes to women, you simply have to make yourself as attractive as you can be. Wheter its by looks, game, money, status, whateva it is. bytches wanna fukk with the best, and you really cant blame em for that. Cuz us as men, we dont really give a fukk about Stacy the good girl with no ass and tittes who got outstanding morals and 3.7 GPA

We care about Susy the big booty cutie :steviej:

Same way a bytch will overlook a swagless nerd for a man in a position of power regardless of the credentials :yeshrug:

Its jus the game we play man, it goes on both side. Nice Guys and Good Girls both take the L. You jus gotta make a self appealing and the bytches will follow. Mos dudes got it backwards they chase bytches when in reality bytches wanna chase men. Thats why you always hear stories of only a small select group of men who get all the bytches, while those same girls front on the rest of fellas in that social sphere.

dont get me wrong, I fukk bytches....its not even about the fact that they love dikk, and at the same time ITS THE REASON they love dikk..THEY LOVE SO MUCH dikk, that they will find a way to keep it...and at the same time get emotional connection from some other sucker simp. This is why this thread question is a no, does love exist? Romantically? Yea it does....but that shyt is not long lasting, it dies as soon as the woman gets bored with the same dikk she fukked. Her love is conditional, and as her love dies, your faith in her dies, and as your faith in her dies, your hate rises, and as your hate rises, your logic rises, and as your logic rises, your happiness rises.

I dont believe in the concept of romantic love being portrayed as a lifetime event, when its just a 2 hour movie that you paid for. This is where we as men need to re-wire our expectations of women these days. We gotta play it by the numbers, and whats MOST likely to happen because of the numbers. Enjoy the women for who they are, enjoy their company, kick it with them, get in their minds, learn about how they all of that...



Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
dont get me wrong, I fukk bytches....its not even about the fact that they love dikk, and at the same time ITS THE REASON they love dikk..THEY LOVE SO MUCH dikk, that they will find a way to keep it...and at the same time get emotional connection from some other sucker simp. This is why this thread question is a no, does love exist? Romantically? Yea it does....but that shyt is not long lasting, it dies as soon as the woman gets bored with the same dikk she fukked. Her love is conditional, and as her love dies, your faith in her dies, and as your faith in her dies, your hate rises, and as your hate rises, your logic rises, and as your logic rises, your happiness rises.

I dont believe in the concept of romantic love being portrayed as a lifetime event, when its just a 2 hour movie that you paid for. This is where we as men need to re-wire our expectations of women these days. We gotta play it by the numbers, and whats MOST likely to happen because of the numbers. Enjoy the women for who they are, enjoy their company, kick it with them, get in their minds, learn about how they all of that...


Cant knock the hustle :manny: :salute:


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Sure do, but I also have trouble with the concept of loving someone as much as I love my parents or kids. I find it difficult to put my girl on the same level as them, mainly because I know had I not been attractive to her in the first place we'd never be together, there are conditions that I had to meet for her to love me. In the case of my parents, they simply loved me because I existed, all my faults and mistakes, they continued to love me no matter what. There's nothing I could do to get them to stop loving me, it's insane to think about, but then I look at my kids and there's nothing I can think of that would make me stop loving them. However, there are a gang of things I could do that would make my girl go cold on me and detach/stop loving me.

I try not to bring that up because I know women have very fragile egos :manny: That said, I believe in love, just not sure I view it the same as others.


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
Sure do, but I also have trouble with the concept of loving someone as much as I love my parents or kids. I find it difficult to put my girl on the same level as them, mainly because I know had I not been attractive to her in the first place we'd never be together, there are conditions that I had to meet for her to love me. In the case of my parents, they simply loved me because I existed, all my faults and mistakes, they continued to love me no matter what. There's nothing I could do to get them to stop loving me, it's insane to think about, but then I look at my kids and there's nothing I can think of that would make me stop loving them. However, there are a gang of things I could do that would make my girl go cold on me and detach/stop loving me.

I try not to bring that up because I know women have very fragile egos :manny: That said, I believe in love, just not sure I view it the same as others.


Thats a dope concept. Kinda makes you wonder can one ever really love somebody that is not of your blood.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?

Thats a dope concept. Kinda makes you wonder can one ever really love somebody that is not of your blood.

I think it's possible when people have shytty parents/family, but I'm not sure how that could be the case for anyone coming from a good family structure. These are the people that clothed you, fed you, gave you life, taught you and did it all for no reason other than the fact you are their child. They didn't do it because you looked good, had "swag" or treated them well, they broke off thousands of dollars to teach you lessons and keep you alive only because they loved you. You were literally shytting on these people and throwing up in their faces, yet they looked at you as their world.

I had an ex tell me she loved me more than her mom before, I couldn't even fathom that shyt.


Giving game to lames since the 90s
Apr 30, 2012
In Dallas, From Cleveland

Alot of folks dont understand that some relationships are meant to begin and END. Love isnt always a forever till eternity type of ordeal.

Exactly, and I think the biggest problem with Love is it is very rare and seldom that people fall into Love (and out of Love) at the same time.

Usually one person feel that way first thats why when someone tell a person they love them for the first time and that other person says I love you I'm like :shaq2:

My wife told me later on that she gained alot of respect for me when she told me she loved me and I didn't say it back. She said she was a little hurt at the time. But when I finally did say it, she knew I meant it.

Its probably worse when someone falls out of love because they have been telling someone they love them for so long thats its hard for them to just stop saying "I love you too" because at one time they did so they probably still care about their feelings. But when they finally say I don't love you anymore. Chances are they have been feeling that way for sometime...


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
Love is the foundation on which I exist. Everything I've done good in my life was done out of love for myself, someone, or something.

Ive read a couple of your posts today. Youre a good breh:obama:

Keep being that shining light on a hill. We look to you for hope, you know:ld:


I đź’—My Tribal Chief
Jun 8, 2012
*clears throat*

What you're talkin' about is this thing called "romance."

Romance will have you thinkin'; there's only one for you.

Romance will have you thinkin'; those candle light dinners will happen forever.

Romance will have you thinkin'; SHE'S PERFECT FOR ME!

Romance will have you thinkin'; I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER!

I don't believe in romance--it's ridiculous and THAT's the problem with us. Romance will have you ignoring the fact; there's 7 billion people in this world. If there's only one, for you, what are the chances he/she works at the same place you do?

What are the chances that; he/she lives in the same city?

What are the chances that; he/she falls under your definition of "attractive"?

What are the chances that; he/she is healthy and not bedridden?

What are the chances that; He/she is even "of age," yet? he/she maybe 8 yo (you 21) and you aren't supposed to get the one til you're 34 and he/she is 21?

Nothing and no one is perfect and romance creates the illusion there is a perfect.

Love...I believe in that. Love isn't about sexuality. Love isn't about "you do right by me." Love is complicated, but, it is unconditional.

I could go all day about love, but, I'll keep it to the love of a intimate partner, of the opposite sex.

I do believe two people can come together and weather every storm life throws at them. They can handle the lows (homeless, jobless, sickly, etc) and highs (new house, new job, new baby) of life.

Love makes you okay with your S.O. (significant other) changing at a different rate, that you are. Love doesn't always expect the other person to be polite and delightful--Love knows we all have bad days...or weeks.

It end it here; yes, I believe in LOVE.


Canada Goose

Pooping on your head :umad:
May 14, 2012
New York City
Yeah, I believe in Love :ehh:

But all that soul mate, "madly" in love stuff is just :comeonson:

:scusthov: at the term madly in love

Just so demotic, brehs :sitdown:

With that being said, this thread reminds me of that Cher song :ehh:

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Jun 23, 2012
3 reasons really

1. All women care about themselves more than anyone some sort of way they express it differently, but in terms of self sacrifice for a significant other....its impossible for a woman (in my lifetime) to be 100 percent cooperative with the term "THIS IS A TEAM"...this is why they can come up with random shyt in the relationship and frame it as "being bored"...when its not that their bored, but they arent mentally mature enough to realize that life is 90 percent "RESPONSIBILITY" and 10 percent "FUN".....when they get in relationships, they switch the numbers on that equation...which proves that long term relationships with women these days are pointless.

2. They have too many options to be sneaky, to be promiscuous, and to also be disloyal. And when they do choose to be disloyal, they have the system and peers behind them to validate their disloyalty....The man loses even when hes the victim. Love is not something that has to be controlled by conditions. They can cheat, have male friends, the whole 9, and still be a victim somehow, and its ok. If the man does it, its a wrap period. Not appealing to me......

3. They dont value a true emotional bond between two people, and they cannot accept a man for who he is, because THEY CANT EVEN ACCEPT THEMSELVES....their nature is always self conscious in a way where they are always unsatisfied with who they are, so they find different mediums to change themselves. They are unstable people by think you can have a stable relationship with someone who is by nature unstable, and LIVES IN A SOCIETY that makes it easy to get away from self improvement, and introspection, makes it a stupid investment as a man to take.

I have had so many experiences of women having something real with me, to only fukk it up because they "werent ready for something that serious" or were playing mind games with their interest.

I as a man am done looking for a queen. Im just going to continue to enjoy the woman for who they are. Entertainment purposes. Thats what they want to be treated as, and their words dont say it, its their actions.

Romantic Love is not something I believe in.

that's funny because women say the same thing about men; they are sneaky, not loyal and promiscuous