Fuk it just make a list of 2012 posters at this point

There’s a few that are not part of that, they already know who they are, so that’s not meant as a slight on them. But the rest - sheeessh. This is too much if I see a 2012 poster who are not part of the exempt than I’m assuming their white, racist and have said the n- word on here.

lol at having a chart of 2012-2014 posters usernames, (with their race)!an x by their name of n- word usage. Just do one massive sweep
Race: white
N-word usage: x
Details: Says n word on forums
Action Requested: Destroy
Current Status: Banned
Previous names used; Biscuitsnbangers
N word usage: x multiple violator
Description of incident; uses the nword, practices covert racism by not minding her business and insulting black issues
Action Requested - Shame into submission and then destroy
Current Status: Purged
Description of incident; too much caucasity and white entitlement
Disposition: currently on a probationary period, in process
Likely Outcome; potential banning