Do you agree with this WHITE poster saying everyone should be allowed to say the N-WORD ?


Sep 23, 2015
He still posts in here if you want to know :wow: @bangbreh

I've seen people call Mexicans, Whites, Asians and even dogs "nikka" on here.
Since its universally acceptable to seemingly call EVERYTHING a "nikka", I don't think white dudes on here should be banned for saying it when y'all toss around the word so damn recklessly :dame:

That beat down was brutal tho. Homie never had a chance.
Not one punch was missed, straight contact on face every time :wow:
Them sounds when they connected :bryan:
Them gurgles :damn:
That's definitely lock-up worthy, and dude never touched him first. All caught on tape. :dame:
If it went to court MMA dude wouldn't stand a chance.

And how does this affect your day to day living :jbhmm:
Don't practice what Dr. Martin Luther King preached, brehs :dame:

I'm just saying the word is used so casually :stopitslime:
Why y'all callin white dudes and dogs "nikka" :dwillhuh:
There ain't a word black folks CAN'T say. Now you're grammar police :usure:
"We got another one"
Congratulations, you found a white dude on a worldwide Internet forum that you'll never meet but felt so inclined to judge. I'd bet my last dollar if we ever met we'd get along just fine but your internet tough guy/Coli rep needs to put this front up.
I hope you diss every white person you encounter in real life too :dame:

Sticks and stones :mjgrin:
Racist scum :mjlol:
Bro-you're out there calling people cacs and furious about white dudes on here sayin nikka, not calling anyone a ****** . Just using the word as loosely as you guys.
Call white people and dogs nikka but be mad a white dude says it when you call them cacs all the time, brehs :francis:


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
Didn’t read but all I will say is


Sex Luthor

I'm like kryptonite to these thots
Feb 20, 2017
Technically everyone are already allowed to say the n word. They just can't do it without facing whatever form of repercussions come with it :yeshrug:
Say what you want. It's a "free" country just don't go crying when you get delt with. When somebody knock they ass up to their eye brows they'll understand why it's advised they don't say it.

White people feel entitled to everything on earth but always ask permission to say nikka. That should tell them they shouldn't be saying it.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Do I agree that they should? No...

But yall gotta stop equating the n word to blackness. White people created the gotdamn word, yet you never hear nobody of any background calling it a "white" thing. Wonder why? Why are we so eager to claim that word as ours?

I'm as human as anyone else and I have an issue with using it alot. I also cringe when I hear nonblacks, especially white people, using it. But I'm under no impression that white people don't use it anyway, there are nonblacks that don't have any black friends or family that use the word with impunity...

Whites use it, Latinos, Asians, Indians, Natives, Arabs, Islanders, there isn't a group over here in America that doesn't have a subgroup of its population that use it. It's an American thing and the control over its usage has been given up for normalization...

That's said, this is a majority black site, and anybody who isn't black should respect the consensus of the black spaces they are in. The general outlook on here is we aren't cool with white dudes throwing it don't. It isn't hard, and the mention of black folk calling nonblacks that is irrelevant if the request is we don't want you to use it. If that request is too difficult, remove yourself from this platform and keep using it with your black and nonblack friends in real life who are okay with it...

There will never be a strong consensus on the word. I just want my brothers and sisters to stop saying it's a "black" thing. It ain't, there are way too many qualities of blackness to minimize it to the permission if using the n word. Many of us do use it, and we did make it more cool for others to use it, and too many of us DO NOT check our language in public and/or nonblack spaces...

But it's not a fukking "black" thing...


Jun 11, 2012
No one should be saying it PERIOD. NO ONE. And if you're black, you most def need stop that shyt too. Check yourselves, folks and watch your words. Folks like to use spelling to change the context but remember context doesnt change history and remember spell isn't just a verb, it's a noun that is about putting power over someone. That's what spells do. Not all spells are good as in the case of the n word which spell was and still is cause emotion and mental anguish. The n word is used to do exactly that. That's the SPELL it's supposed to cast. That's why it will NEVER be a term of endearment. fukk that gaslighting shyt.
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Ricky Fontaine

Nov 18, 2016
Do I agree that they should? No...

But yall gotta stop equating the n word to blackness. White people created the gotdamn word, yet you never hear nobody of any background calling it a "white" thing. Wonder why? Why are we so eager to claim that word as ours?

I'm as human as anyone else and I have an issue with using it alot. I also cringe when I hear nonblacks, especially white people, using it. But I'm under no impression that white people don't use it anyway, there are nonblacks that don't have any black friends or family that use the word with impunity...

Whites use it, Latinos, Asians, Indians, Natives, Arabs, Islanders, there isn't a group over here in America that doesn't have a subgroup of its population that use it. It's an American thing and the control over its usage has been given up for normalization...

That's said, this is a majority black site, and anybody who isn't black should respect the consensus of the black spaces they are in. The general outlook on here is we aren't cool with white dudes throwing it don't. It isn't hard, and the mention of black folk calling nonblacks that is irrelevant if the request is we don't want you to use it. If that request is too difficult, remove yourself from this platform and keep using it with your black and nonblack friends in real life who are okay with it...

There will never be a strong consensus on the word. I just want my brothers and sisters to stop saying it's a "black" thing. It ain't, there are way too many qualities of blackness to minimize it to the permission if using the n word. Many of us do use it, and we did make it more cool for others to use it, and too many of us DO NOT check our language in public and/or nonblack spaces...

But it's not a fukking "black" thing...

You typing too much.

Crackas should NOT say the n word.

There u go.
Jan 19, 2017
Do I agree that they should? No...

But yall gotta stop equating the n word to blackness. White people created the gotdamn word, yet you never hear nobody of any background calling it a "white" thing. Wonder why? Why are we so eager to claim that word as ours?

I'm as human as anyone else and I have an issue with using it alot. I also cringe when I hear nonblacks, especially white people, using it. But I'm under no impression that white people don't use it anyway, there are nonblacks that don't have any black friends or family that use the word with impunity...

Whites use it, Latinos, Asians, Indians, Natives, Arabs, Islanders, there isn't a group over here in America that doesn't have a subgroup of its population that use it. It's an American thing and the control over its usage has been given up for normalization...

That's said, this is a majority black site, and anybody who isn't black should respect the consensus of the black spaces they are in. The general outlook on here is we aren't cool with white dudes throwing it don't. It isn't hard, and the mention of black folk calling nonblacks that is irrelevant if the request is we don't want you to use it. If that request is too difficult, remove yourself from this platform and keep using it with your black and nonblack friends in real life who are okay with it...

There will never be a strong consensus on the word. I just want my brothers and sisters to stop saying it's a "black" thing. It ain't, there are way too many qualities of blackness to minimize it to the permission if using the n word. Many of us do use it, and we did make it more cool for others to use it, and too many of us DO NOT check our language in public and/or nonblack spaces...

But it's not a fukking "black" thing...

What it boils down to is hunkees tryna to play nikkax for p*ssy. They want to say and do as they please backstory be damned