Young brother, any man telling you women over 30 are automatically washed is a true loser...
I love older women. The baggage can be a real thing, but man these young chicks have baggage too---->that's where it starts, when they young

they don't just magically develop baggage at 35...
Recent women I've talked too that were over 30:
•30-year old, 3 kids (6 and 4 year old sons, her daughter is 1), a solid 7, but has some entitlement issues, she the only black girl in her peer group, and her kids' father (same dad for all 3) was a white man who killed himself two years ago, he killed himself when she was only like a month pregnant with their daughter
•35-year old, 2 kids, a 7, she hates her son's father, but won't leave him because he has money, and she's caring for his disabled daughter (her daughter is 18, her son is 10, her son's dad has a 16-year old daughter with disabilities). If she leaves him, he's told her she has to take care of his handicapped child, and she loves the little girl, so I guess it's a combination of him having money (just bought her a new car) and caring for the girl
•37-year old, 2 kids, about a 6, but she fukks like a white woman, and she's always out and leaving her kids with other people (or leaving her 13-year old daughter to look after her 5-year old son). Like literally always out, this chick be everywhere, all over NC, VA, SC, Maryland. She's works full time but damn near every weekend she's gone partying or fukking someone somewhere
These women got baggage but that shyt came from they 20s, so to me it's no different. Most women I've messed with recently seem to be in that late 20s window, which I'm cool with. I love the older women though...
Taylor Rooks is one of the finest women alive, ain't nothing wrong with her now. To be honest I'm on the hunt for a 30-something, their personalities are more tolerable. The problem, with any woman any age, is do I want their baggage

but the personalities are generally more mature and respectful, in their 30s, than they are in their 20s...
So now, 30-something women are not at all washed as a generality!