Do yall think the Hip Hop Industry is secretly satanic?

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
If its a secret why does everybody know about it?



Wacky D

May 10, 2012
because everything comes to the surface eventually.:obama:
May 31, 2012
maybe not even so secretly. i'm not really into nefarious conspiracy theories that aren't supported by hard facts but just look at the game.......

-Cops and other law enforcement organizations = The Bad Guys
-Drug Dealers, Killers and Gangsters = The Good Guys, cool

-Promoting intelligence and/or peace = Corny, no spins
-Promoting ignorance = Cool, spins all day

-Talking about loving your woman = Square, L7 Captain
-Talking about being a pimp = Swag

-"Before rap I worked a regular job" = :shaq2:
-"Before rap I was sellin ki's of dope and bussin my gun" = :bow:

-"Cash Rules Everything Around Me" and "You Only Live Once" and "Money, Cash, H0es" are tattoo-worthy phrases

-Fighting, shooting, deviant behavior period = Guaranteed Worldstar spot, madd views

-Helping aide the authorities by giving information on criminals = Swinish, you are evil!


Not complainin, just sayin, its somethin to think about. This logic actually exceeds rap, the young black community in general seems to be being brainwashed into thinking that everything good is bad and everything bad is good. Sad stuff


Just one example you dont know wtf youre talking about and just am reaching.


May 29, 2012
San Diego
Idk about satanic but like said before the shyt is very negative. There are way too many kids on the internet taking these lyrics to heart and trying to apply them to their lives and end up fukked up. It's not secret that the ones that try to teach us in hip hop or the "nerds" will never get spins as well as nikkas who dont live up to a certain image or dress "cool". That just goes to show how dumb this damn country is. Maybe it is a fad.
May 31, 2012
Idk about satanic but like said before the shyt is very negative. There are way too many kids on the internet taking these lyrics to heart and trying to apply them to their lives and end up fukked up. It's not secret that the ones that try to teach us in hip hop or the "nerds" will never get spins as well as nikkas who dont live up to a certain image or dress "cool". That just goes to show how dumb this damn country is. Maybe it is a fad.

:dead: I know who youre talking about.

Mask and Da Glock

Posting From Rehab
May 5, 2012
There are way too many kids on the internet taking these lyrics to heart and trying to apply them to their lives and end up fukked up.

This is too true, I don't know if you meant it like this but there are 16 year olds who really think they're "grinding", they end up getting checked and it's not pretty. I hang out with some crazy people but i'm very up front that I'm not a violent dude.


100% pure uncut fukkery
May 2, 2012
Record labels don't give a fukk about the culture and the communities. It's ok to promote bullshyt but when a rapper decides to talk about some real shyt, here's what happens :

About a week or so ago, rapper Young Buck made an appearance on New York's Hot 97's Angie Martinez's show to promote his new album "Buck the World", the first single of which is incredible (I love that record).

You know, it was pretty much your typical rap interview except for one revealing exchange in particular. This was when Young Buck spoke of a record addressing Police Brutality that unfortunately did not make the record? It was said in the interview that Interscope Records (home of Dr. Dre's Aftermath, Shady Records; Emenim, G Unit; 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks, Young Buck; The Lox; Jadakiss, Styles and Sheik, amongst others) has an official "Lyrics Committee."

Buck stated that it was this Interscope "lyrics committee" (more like committee of ONE person; Jimmy Iovine) that decided it best to leave the police brutality track off of the album. Their reasoning being, that they [Interscope/Jimmy Iovine] felt the record that portrayed violence against police officers could heighten the chances of a police officer getting shot or killed and that, Interscope did not want to be responsible in whole or in part for the death of a police officer. The interview went sort of like this:

Angie: There's this wild video on youtube that I just got a little clip of its called f the police
Buck: oh yeah, they wouldn't let me put that record on my album
Angie: too violent
Buck: They said it was too violent; Interscope
Angie: Interscope said too violent
Buck: they blamed it on the lyric committee, so I researched to see if it was a real lyrical committee
Angie: no they didn't
Buck: It was the lyric committee
Angie: they said the lyric committee said you can't put this out
Buck: So I went as far as trying to find out well who is the lyric committee
Angie: shut up
Buck: the lyric committee is in Interscopes building
Angie: is there really a lyrics committee, no
Buck: you tell me
Angie: nahh there's not, I'm telling you its not, that's your man Jimmy Iovine saying I don't want to deal with that

Now isn't this just fukking beautiful! A "Lyrics Committee" designed to monitor (read censor) lyrics of artist on the Interscope roster? The question I present to Interscope, the Hip Hop and Black Communities is, if Interscope sees something wrong with a rapper releasing a record addressing police brutality (because Wal-Mart won't except the record) due to fear of violence against police officers, why then is it common place to spend millions of dollars marketing the other 12 tracks on the rappers album that may heighten the violence in the black community against young blackmen, women and children????

Why did not the "lyrics committee" come to the same conclusion when listening to lyrics that portray violence against young black males who work, go to school, and live on these same blocks that the police officers patrol? Ladies and gentlemen of the INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY, this is the nature of the beast with which we are dealing!

When we consider the fact that it was Jimmy Iovine who posed on a cover in the 70's with the words "Rock & Roll ******s" painted on his chest, we get a greater understanding of this beast.

Here, we have a mainstream rapper attempting to address an issue that not only affects himself but the entire community. A political issue, if you will, and his Major Label tells him that that song is NOT going to make the final cut of his album. They made a principled stand which reveals without a doubt that they completely understand the power of this music, and its ability to influence and motivate its audience (positively or negatively), and they will NOT support lyrics and songs that promote an atmosphere of violence and intimidation directed at the police department. Do you see how fukkin insulting, hypocritical, and dangerous this is. We have to organize our efforts to take away their power to choose what’s best for our community to see, hear, and experience!

It has always been my position that the black rapper is NOT allowed to address or lend his voice to any issue that confronts the community from which he comes, knowing that if he did, like Don Imus, he would lose his major corporation sponsorship, i.e., his contract!

The black rapper runs the risk of losing his recording contract if he dare engage his demographic in anything that resembles intelligent dialogue? And yes, I do mean, the black rapper. In the event that the black rapper would have written the song MOSH (Emenim; anti war record), he would have been dropped from his label faster than Jimmy Iovine can say "Rock & Roll ******!"

Black and white America must understand this very pertinent point; BLACK PEOPLE DO NOT CONTROL THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANYTHING IN AMERICA; nothing! Everything from the food on his table, clothes on his back, roof over his head, education in his head, to the drugs and alcohol on his corners, is controlled by others who are not black!

So, what is it that makes us believe that the BLACK rapper is responsible for the distribution, diffusion or dissemination of the music and images (positive or negative) that you hear and see on MTV, BET and or Clear Channel Radio, etc

The fact that Major Labels have "lyrics committees" is evidence enough to show that multi-platinum, gold, and wood selling rappers are NOT even responsible for the subject matter that is or is not allowed on his or her own album, let alone the distribution of this subject matter! The artist can make a song about anything from life to death to love to lust and everything in between, but the records companies and their lyrics committees make the final judgment on what get pressed up and sent to Wal Mart, Target, and the like.

Now let me make this final and crucial point crystal clear before I bring this to a conclusion. As artists we must and should be held accountable for what we say and do on wax and video, our words and actions have a profound impact on our communities whether we know about it or not, but we should not be held responsible for which of our records get major or minor video or radio airplay. That decision is in the hands of the radio and video stations and their parent companies. They decided that Little Brother was too “intelligent” for the B.E.T. audience! They made the decision not to promote any rappers whose music would motivate black youth toward positive attitudes and lifestyles. Do you really think Immortal Technique, Wise Intelligent, Little Brother; Public Enemy etc…took themselves off the radio and video shows? Corporate America and their entire support system made the decision to make the thug, pimp, hustler, and drug dealing rapper the face of Hiphop culture by placing him or her on the cover of every mainstream magazine around the world! The rapper is but the most visible part of this sick and twisted daisy chain of events…If you have the heart to make a move against Snoop than have the heart to ride heavy on Jimmy!

The point of this article is not whether there is really such a committee at record companies that scrutinize the lyrics of rap artists. The point is that the major record companies do, as evidenced by the aforementioned incident, ultimately decide what lyrics the rapper can or can not put on his or her album.

Obviously, there's an agenda going on. Call it satanic, call it dumbing it down, call it whatever you want.

An artist will never go against the establishment cause they're part of it. That's why political/conscious music has been buried underground. Just my 2 cents.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
lol I've heard that Buck track, it's called 'Dead or Alive', it's more of a 'fukk the Police/ima drugged up dboy' then some message track about promoting awareness of police brutality.


May 13, 2012
only simple people believe in these things. does it help you cope "knowing" there are large scary evil forces controlling everything? and not large p*ssy white men?

??? i don't know who/what this is directed at but my stance is those "large p*ssy white men" themselves are the progenitors of this bombardment of violence and ignorance being pushed so forcefully down our throats for nefarious, iniquitous reasons, there's nothing mystical about them. most facets of modern culture embrace buffoonery in one way or the other, i've acknowledged that, my gripe with rap particularly is how there's no real balance. ONLY the violent, deviant, sexually explicit stuff is given real backing by the people who call the shots, why? also, consider the audiences, white kids watching kim kardashian and Snookie and these people party and get drunk and be whores is not good but it's not as not good as inner city youth who worship rappers constantly hearing their idols endorse street gangs and loving gun sounds and killing n!ggas and never cooperating with the law for any reason and doing anything because YOLO 24/7, that sh!t is just sinister, and I definitely think the hidden hand pushes this sh!t purposefully. i remember i heard 50 Cent say he was submitting music where he tried to grow and Jimmy Iovine was like "FOH, you have to be the violent 50", :heh:. oh, and "Satanic" isn't just an adjective applying to "satan", it's a word that defines extreme wickedness.