I think I get what the old woman was saying. In many cases, a man grows up with this idea of women and how they are...based on the preconceived and pre-packaged notions that are passed down from one generation to the next. This is usually done by the mother, single in many cases, who wants to raise the man she never dated or wanted, yet is the kind of man that will "respect women."
This boy is taught that women are to be respected no matter what, that women are beautiful, honest, loving and deserve to be treated with chivalry....because they're queens and princesses.
Then this kid starts to grow up and takes note of things. Things like his mother not being so queenly in her behavior, the girls in his classes giving out blowjobs like whistles at a pep rally, his first girlfriend smashing some other dude behind his back after football practice, that being an a##hole seems to get more attention than being chilvalrous, etc.
Once this process happens, the boy is ruined to these ideas, due to some of his interactions with women. He sees that what he was taught is not real in HIS REALITY.
Now, he is responsible for his thoughts and actions once he has experienced this. However, I can see what that woman may have meant by a man starting good and then being ruined by women...in the sense of having his notion of them ruined.
Now, I know on the Coli, every woman is virtuous and every dude was born a playa, but in my life, every dude I know has been ruined in this way at some point.