In the big scheme of things relationships with the opposite sex are not that meaningful or impactful on the human psyche or our life in general
I doubt all the deranged, bitter and hatefull people and all the successful, happy, joyful people that walk the world today are by lateral end games of their relationships with Tameka or Tyrone back in highschool/college
Not sure. There was this guy in my hometown...former major league baseball player. Very nice man who used to show up to the local high school baseball field and just practice by himself. Over time people would go practice with him and he'd teach guys how to play. He taught me most of what I knew. Anyway, when I was in high school he started developing this relationship that was on-and-off with a hairdresser. She'd give him all these mixed signals. Say she didn't want to be with him. A few weeks later she's bringing him lunch at his job. I don't know what happened exactly or what set it off, but one day when I was in college (this had to be like...2000?) he took a shotgun and killed 2 people in town, and was trying to kill her. She got away. And later he killed himself while cornered in an alley. A lot of people felt the cops killed him but said it was a suicide (I mean the guy had a shotgun..kinda hard to turn that around and pull the trigger)
Anyway, the point is, I never saw him as anything than a nice guy and a few years later, he went nuts.
Not saying the hairdresser made him that way. Maybe he had anger or emotional issues that people didn't know about. But I bet she set him off.