Based on all my studies of not only white people but power structures and systems, we have to build a nation or satellite nations with functional modern infrastructure and the ability to clothe, feed and protect ourselves..
It's been my observation that there is actually a lot of ideological and other differences amongst various white groups that we should and can exploit to finnsee our place in the geopolitical power game.
For example here in South Africa there's a "country" (Lesotho) that's quiet literally in the middle of South Africa. Lesotho is not really a country, it's South Africa, but their King Moshweshwe in the mid 1800s realized that the English monarch/British empire was losing its grip over its South African colonies and there was genuine beef between the Boers(Dutch) and English for control of territories here in Southern Africa.. So Moshweshwe did a preemptive by effectively "handing over" his kingdom and declaring allegiance to the British Empire, the British recognized his territory as a sovereign nation and Lesostho remains a soerign "nation" to this day... Their brilliant King was able to play geopolitical chess and finnesed a nice territory for Sotho's...
We could use for example the Catalan/Spanish beef, or the Russian VS West or Irish Vs English (on whatever capacity that gives us access to resources)...
Other ways to move is to inter marry black males strategically to certain African regions that we would like to strategically infiltrate and strategically use as one of our satellite bases..
so if we want to infiltrate a place like Sierra Leone or Kenya, we would have to do a proper study of the power structures and influential families in that region, set up diplomatic ties, do student exchange programmes, have our kids marry theirs and within a short space of time there's dual dual citizenship, there's laws being passed to make trade easier etc
This is again is just ANOTHER strategy.
I don't have ALL the answers, but do you see once we actually see the white power structure(and the growing Mestizo, Indian, Chinese-Asian power systems that are ALL anti black), it immediately switches our focus from a defeatist passive "victim" to a proactive, solutions based, power orientated ideology.
By merely switching the manner we frame and anaylzye white systematic power, can determine whether or not we are just passive/defeated or trying and plotting something proactive to GAIN POWER (access to resources and the ability to protect them) regardless who is in power globally (Europeans late 1400s to present, Arabs 700-1400 etc etc)
Im nowhere near being as smart as Dr Amos N Wilson, the man is truly a genius and the most multi level thinker and theorist ive ever come across, please listen to at least 1 of his 2-3 hour lectures on YT then come back and we discuss things further.
Just to show you how powerful framing is, by analyzing white people/racism as the focal point of our existence we can do a programme on Workplace Racism for 6 years and counting, BUT if we realized that the racism at work is based on a power imbalance, whites at your job have a collective access to resources (information, loans, etc)... If our main focus was addressing the POWER imbalance between us and other racial subgroups, we would at the very least have another weekly show called "How to finnesse funding from racist" "how to start a company and have white people as the" face " whilst it's 100% black owened".
It was Amos Wilson that made me realize that the way you FRAME a problem directly affects the kind of solutions you will come up with (if any at all).
I hope I'm clear here, I'd rather die trying to build something that's gonna give our children a fighting chance, than analyze white people's for the next 50 years
*Will fix the Typos later