Do people here listen to the Context of White Supremacy? (C.O.W.S)

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Anyone listen to this anymore.
I hardly ever check for it.
The guy on YouTube from the UK stopped posting, one of his channels got tanked too.

Listening to how white people are kicking our asses globally can get a bit nauseating after 15 years.

Also how on earth do these same people call in for like 10 years :mjlol:

Anyway, VGQ me brehs.

Gus needs to switch his style up big time.

We're better off with the scholarship of Dr Amos N Wilson. Coz he doesn't make white people the centre of our entire existence.
He analyses whites and OTHER NON-WHITE ethnic groups from a position of POWER

Jimmy from Linkedin

All Star
Oct 10, 2017
Managing Director at Breh & Breh, Inc
Anyone listen to this anymore.

We're better off with the scholarship of Dr Amos N Wilson. Coz he doesn't make white people the centre of our entire existence.
He analyses whites and OTHER NON-WHITE ethnic groups from a position of POWER

I have no idea what got him started with neely fuller's / dr. welsing's work in the first place. As a matter of fact, in one of Dr. Wilson's lectures he talked about this. He said if you are going to write a book it should have a program. He then asked everyone "What is the program from Dr. Welsing's book? To chop off a couple inches?"

the bolded not only shouldve been done a long time ago, but many more book clubs should be using Blueprint as the kinda foundational book club book.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I have no idea what got him started with neely fuller's / dr. welsing's work in the first place. As a matter of fact, in one of Dr. Wilson's lectures he talked about this. He said if you are going to write a book it should have a program. He then asked everyone "What is the program from Dr. Welsing's book? To chop off a couple inches?"

the bolded not only shouldve been done a long time ago, but many more book clubs should be using Blueprint as the kinda foundational book club book.
Dr Amos N Wilson is the smartest man I've ever ever come across, even smarter than Malcolm X (who was a genius).

He saw the WHOLE picture.
"white people do what they do (racism), because they CAN".. That's so succinct and simple, yet profound if you understand it.
No long protracted "genetic recessive" pseudo science, just straight to the point.
They have the POWER to be racist.

I also like that Dr Wilson wasn't a one-drop ruler, and understood that real black Americans(Africans) were being replaced with a Nu-blacks(multi generational mixed race people).
Fuller literally boils humans down to "white" and "non white" when he himself is mixed :francis:
.... That's rather convineint. To pretend like race doesn't exist when you're an admixture.

Neely Fuller's work became a Cult a long time ago, Gus is too far gone.

Can you imagine instead of having "workplace racism" for the last 10 years, they had "Black business support group" and connected various black people globally to connect and share resources.

Again if you adopt the Neely Fuller approach, white people are the centre/be all of your entire existence, to understand what Dr Wilson was articulating requires a complete paradigm shift in your thinking.

Gus is very brave and is one the best speakers/interviewers I've ever come across, extremely sharp brain (misses absolutely nothing), I think such a brilliant brain is wasted on the passive Neely Fuller rhetoric, in an alternative time line, Gus would've been introduced to Dr Amos N Wilson in 2005/6 instead of Fuller.

Cape Town JHB

All Star
Nov 18, 2016
I have no idea what got him started with neely fuller's / dr. welsing's work in the first place. As a matter of fact, in one of Dr. Wilson's lectures he talked about this. He said if you are going to write a book it should have a program. He then asked everyone "What is the program from Dr. Welsing's book? To chop off a couple inches?"

the bolded not only shouldve been done a long time ago, but many more book clubs should be using Blueprint as the kinda foundational book club book.
I remember that lecture of Dr Wilson talking about the Isis Papers, there was also a lecture where he addressed Steve Coakley and conspiracy theories.
Both very eye opening.
Dec 27, 2017
I have no idea what got him started with neely fuller's / dr. welsing's work in the first place. As a matter of fact, in one of Dr. Wilson's lectures he talked about this. He said if you are going to write a book it should have a program. He then asked everyone "What is the program from Dr. Welsing's book? To chop off a couple inches?"

the bolded not only shouldve been done a long time ago, but many more book clubs should be using Blueprint as the kinda foundational book club book.