If thay was the case you would have no dark skin people
most dark skin people have light skin and brown skin moms. just sayin..
If thay was the case you would have no dark skin people
I found it strange that WM/BW are the least common IR couple but yet they post the most Pics and Videos on social media.
It's like soon when a black women get a cac, she wanna start a YouTube series about their relationship journey.
I see no other race of women who date IR does that crap, it makes black women look desperate and intention whoring.
According to Misterpoll (white, asian and latin men who are into black women questionnaire):
What skin tone of black women attracts you most?
12% (41) Very Dark skin (Like Alek Wek)
45% (147) Brown Skin (Naomi Campbell, Janet Jackson)
35% (114) Light brown skin (Halle Berry, Beyonce, Jada Pinkett Smith)
5% (18) Very Light Skin (Mariah Carey, Blu Cantrell) 320 voters have answered this question.
What skin tone are you for?
19% (61) Just Straight Brown no darker no lighter
13% (44) The Darker the Better
11% (35) The lighter the Better
55% (178) It doesn't matter
I don't think most care about skin color, most prefer their own race, so the ones who dont like black women will go for the mixed ones over the darker ones. white men that prefer black women usually go darker.
just as many black men be on social media with their non black girlfriends, a lot of people do this. this isn't exclusive to black women.
most dark skin people have light skin and brown skin moms. just sayin..
Poll is garbage as the users select themselves and the majority of high profile black women are listed in the brown and light brown skin section. Let's look at a random sample:
i aint gon let u keep spittin bullshyt like this
many nikkas out here includin me love dark skin chicks
n im talkin bout dark skinned legit
u talkin nonsense b
bish is a troll, says the same retarded shyt as sum of the dumb hoars at lsa.Just stop it your not even making sense.
most dark skin people have light skin and brown skin moms. just sayin..
I'm from the west coast and black guys don't even date/marry light skinned black women out here.
Those are couples tagsand I'm not counting those. I'm talking about YouTube channel deticated the their relationship.
Nobody in IR couple does this that except Black women with White Men.
Because a lot of black women on the west cost chase white men.
that's because most black dudes out here only want non-bw.what do you want, black women to stay single so you can shyt on them for that too?