Cabbage Patch
The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Its because in these studies they show an ugly aunt jemima or alek wek looking black woman and compare her to beautiful looking women of other races. They wont show black women that look this, who are just as beautiful if not more beautiful than many white and asian women.

Aunt Jemimah looked like the chicks above, which is why she was Aunt Jemimah and had to fight off her employers with tooth and nail. And sometimes, she'd even win. I'll need to find the link on that, about Hollywood's image of Aunt Jemimah, and what was really happening, and why Hollywood created the images it did. Some sobering, depressing, but logical shyt.
And the only difference between Alek Wek and these women is Alek Wek rocks natural hair, African hair. I guess if Alek had two pounds of virgin Remy, she'd be beautiful to black people as well as Europeans, too?
Because....................................... wasn't too long ago Alek Wek got dissed in another thread for being a 'bedwench' for having lots of very happy white dudes on her arm.

White men aren't interested in black women. Those who are have a terrible minefield to navigate from their peers, their family and their culture. There's a conversation that could be held here. It can't be held by making them out to be better than black men.