Dontay Flaco
fka King Napz
Combat Jack was a buddhist.
Nope we're too angry and emotional a people to gravitate towards something that actually works, is logical and would actually benefit us
We're too emotionally attached to the 3 Abrahamic faith myths that at the center all have a God that's homicidal and deals with petty human emotions like jealousy and rage
Because I think deep down we relate to that more than peace, acceptance and compassion
I'm just speaking as a non religious black person (with an interest in Buddhism) who can only name 1 or 2 non religious black people I actually know IRLI don't agree with you that any one ethnic group are particularly attracted to that, but individuals definitely are. Hardcore Abrahamists are pretty much all emotionally disturbed so they gravitate to a godlike father figure who's the same way