Do black creators neccessarily make a genre black?I say no,some say yes.


Mar 11, 2015
What is it about certain content that would make it quintessentially "black"? Could a non black person make that same content and it still be considered "black"?

yes its happening right now with Cardi B,6'9, Gucci Gang who I'm not sure what the hell he is,Paul Wall,Fat Joe before them. These people are not bringing their culture into hiphop,are representations of there people. And even if they were its not on a large enough scale,they are non blacks performing music known as hiphop that is a black genre. Where blacks are still the majority,and provide majority of the inspiration,style,slang etc.

The content would be content that specefically speaks to black people,black life,incorporates black ideas,black ways of thinking,principals and tradition,black slanguage. Should be reflective of the current mental states of black people. Hard to narrow it down,but it should be obvious who its for when you are listening.


Mar 11, 2015
house music is black. techno is too. they're genres that are part of a long lineage of black american music. of course they both take influence from white music and were usually not made with one specific group in mind, but black america was the context in which they originated and it's important to acknowledge that.

In my opinion,but I respect the opinions of others. I have no problem acknowledging the creators or making the history accurate in giving them credit. But calling it black music? I can't say that.


Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Sep 14, 2012
Them Lo Lifes...
Content DEFINES a genre,in hiphop alone we have sub genres just because the content is different. So pretending the content doesn't matter and its only about the sound?I don't like that. And yes if black people don't like the genre of music you created it makes it less black music,you can't be a one man black music:gucci:. It wouldn't make you any less of the creator of the genre and you should get your credit for whatever genre that is.

And I didn't say hiphop isn't black music if thats what you are asking? I'm saying Rappers Delight is not black music,and I wouldn't consider hiphop black music fully until the content and sound made it that way.
In rap you have street/gangsta, conscious and party music, what are these sub genres you are referring to with content so different than the aforementioned?

It was and always will be about the 'sound'. The reason why you have bands who play live instruments compared to a digitized replay.

But you are saying my culture doesnt define my genre of music even if my culture who identifies with me doesnt like it, if its NOT black music that I create and call it that, how would it be defined in terms of culture?

How is Rappers Delight NOT black music when its black emcee's rapping over black produced music, from a black created genre?

BLACKS created a genre(without realizing it) of music called hip hop, by taking other forms of music and created one for themselves out of necessity.

I dunno what evaluation you placed to discern how early hip hop is not black music...but becomes black music until the content made it that way? :ohhh::snoop:

Not to mention hip hops main foundation again was Jazz, Funk and RnB all forms of black music. in YOUR opinion when did the content start making hip hop fully black?


Jun 14, 2018
yes its happening right now with Cardi B,6'9, Gucci Gang who I'm not sure what the hell he is,Paul Wall,Fat Joe before them. These people are not bringing their culture into hiphop,are representations of there people. And even if they were its not on a large enough scale,they are non blacks performing music known as hiphop that is a black genre. Where blacks are still the majority,and provide majority of the inspiration,style,slang etc.

The content would be content that specefically speaks to black people,black life,incorporates black ideas,black ways of thinking,principals and tradition,black slanguage. Should be reflective of the current mental states of black people. Hard to narrow it down,but it should be obvious who its for when you are listening.

With respect to the people you named; when you say those people don't bring their culture into hip hop, I'm assuming you mean culture by the way of ancestoral heritage. I don't listen enough to their music to contend with that claim, but do you feel like they are "stealing" what they may believe to be blackness as a way to make inroads into hip hop, or is it at all possible that they are merely rooted in experiences that would allow them to readily and easily identify with elements of hip hop's cultural?

To your point about what makes the music "black", because of it's globalization and mainstream modeling, wouldn't it be difficult to claim that hip hop is quintessentially black now?


Mar 11, 2015
In rap you have street/gangsta, conscious and party music, what are these sub genres you are referring to with content so different than the aforementioned?

It was and always will be about the 'sound'. The reason why you have bands who play live instruments compared to a digitized replay.

But you are saying my culture doesnt define my genre of music even if my culture who identifies with me doesnt like it, if its NOT black music that I create and call it that, how would it be defined in terms of culture?

How is Rappers Delight NOT black music when its black emcee's rapping over black produced music, from a black created genre?

BLACKS created a genre(without realizing it) of music called hip hop, by taking other forms of music and created one for themselves out of necessity.

I dunno what evaluation you placed to discern how early hip hop is not black music...but becomes black music until the content made it that way? :ohhh::snoop:

Not to mention hip hops main foundation again was Jazz, Funk and RnB all forms of black music. in YOUR opinion when did the content start making hip hop fully black?

I can't answer that question because many contributed in hiphop making the gains that it did towards becoming black music, all I know is it was black music by the time I started listening to it in the early 90's. But many artist contributed to sound,content,swag,politics,style etc accross multiple regions that went towards making it a black genre. We obviously have to mention the importance of The Message. I wasn't trying to single out Rappers Delight since its not really the first hiphop record anyway,though its probably considered that based on its impact. But songs by black people,do not equal black music in that early of a stage it was too raw and still much euro influence.
Even RUN DMC's first album which is great,as influential as they were among black people,still had too much european influence too, just so you don't think I'm bias against that softer style of rap.

Do you consider this a black song since your so stuck on the sound?

Genres of music evolve,all of you acknowledge they evolve,but can't acknowledge they can start out not neccesarily black and evolve into black music. There was nothing stopping cacs from being able to do hiphop. We could have had an entire genre full of Beastie Boys if blacks weren't so superior at rapping,there was nothing stopping them since it wasn't black music yet. So thats a good place to start lets say it really begin to cement itself as black music right about 86,87 approximately,cemented the fact there could be no genre full of Beastie Boys(KRS,Public Enemy,NWA,Ice-T,Too Short):blessed:

Doesn't matter what the foundation was,rocks foundation was blues which was black music and we all saw what happened.


Nov 25, 2015
no that makes it a black movie.
Thats not enough to make boxing movies as a genre black movies:comeon:

So is it only a black movie because it was a black director and majority black cast, yet never touched on black issues?

Harry B

May 20, 2012
No of course not, just cause a cracker from Canada invented basketball doesn't mean that it's a Canadian white sport.

Rock was a few black dudes that were experimenting, but the cacs made it what it what it became. Same thing with hiphop in a sense, it was black and latinos from the Bronx but latinos got left in the bushes cause they were only relevant in the park in 78. If that's the case latinos from New York have a bigger claim on hiphop than black people that are not from New York.

Cultures are not by invention but by how they evolve. Say Christmas, that's originally from the arab world or something. Are you saying that the way we are jacking arab culture when we celebrate Christmas :mjlit:
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Jun 22, 2014
I had this debate with posters in another thread,who told me house music was black music because it was created by black people.
My argument to them was that it thrived in shared spaces with gays and europeans,and was also pioneered by homosexuals. And most importantly didn't really cater to black people as a whole,so no its not black music jsut because it had black creators,and rightfully it was and remains rejected as such for blacker genres.

I have the same feeling about Rock N Roll,at a certain point it was no longer black music. It came from blues that was black music,and stopped being black music and thats how white people were able to take it over.

Early hiphop wasn't black music,Rappers Delight "hip hop a hip hip hibby to the hip hip hop" was not black music,it was disco with nikkas rhyming on it,but it morphed into black music.

White people can't take over black music!This doesn't negate the credit those black creators should get. But it also doesn't make the genre black based on that.
