Gia would make an excellent mistress, she's obviously into fukkery. I'd be a great side while envy is away in federal prison making ramen noodles and getting the latest and greatest in criminal education from the likes of Madoff in club Fed. Gia and I would be in bliss, i'd sling her dikk that would make her come every time, unlike Envious, but she may get lonely since i'd only be in the home from 11:30pm-1am. ah well she can speak to envy on his prison cell phone smuggled in through his jail wallet.
They can read bible verses into the night while thinking of new colorways for their "my God Vs. Everybody" clothing line they have. Envy can rehearse responses for questions about his Fidelty. Hopefully envy doesn't go the fleece johnson route. Making a fi-fi isn't too hard, it'll keep the gay away at least. But he'll have to learn how to kill in three moves with a shank or he might become someone's girlfriend in there. he's tough though... a son of a cop should have no issues in prison.
Geez, I wonder if Gia is an aquafina or light sardine kinda woman in the heat of passion. hopefully a hybrid, aquafina at the beginning but light-sardine once i've worked the essence out her box properly so i know the passion's real.
alas a man can dream...knowing Envy he's going to slither his way out of jail and do the tough-talking-rat routine and somehow use his family as an excuse.
Pray for charlamagne and Jess, hopefully Jess can comfort Charla in his time of need, lord know we all need a good work wife. I've heard great things about Jess's esophagus. apparently it's a spiritual experience. tongues and what-not.