To be fair...Eto'o has played on better teams, and arguably played in leagues and systems more appropriate for pure scoring.
EPL = Still the toughest league, certainly above Liga and Serie A in physicality.
Can you imagine prime Drogba playing in Spain, on Barcelona? Imagine him in Italy with defenders that just...sit there and look at you. The English game is too different. Stoke City and Sunderland won't win the league or even the match, but they are going to put up a fight, and you aren't going to go out there and put 5 goals in on em every match. Eto'o spent the majority of his career eating well offa them little Speedy Gonzales's. And was he not playing with HENRY and fukking MESSI at one point? Lots of players can......
offa that.
And the Chelsea style of play has always been more defensive in nature. Even after Da Gawd Mourinho left, the skeleton of the team was still all him. Hell, half of Drogba's job has always been to hold the damn ball up so Lamps could put a screamer in.
This isn't to say that Drogba > Eto'o...I do agree that you have to give it to Eto'o because accomplishments are accomplishments and you can't take away from him just because he had better circumstances....but I think it's pretty damn close, and that Drogba is just are purely talented.