Even if it was prostitutes on the video that is not racketeering and organized crime.if their is prostitutes in the video, that's it. but they don't even need a video to prove that part.
Even if it was prostitutes on the video that is not racketeering and organized crime.if their is prostitutes in the video, that's it. but they don't even need a video to prove that part.
Even if it was prostitutes on the video that is not racketeering and organized crime.
They actually did have recordings, they also had the underaged women positively ID’d through their own and their families accounts.this is the same charges as r kelly. i don't think there was a video or recordings or hoe receipts in that case but where is he now @MeachTheMonster
They actually did have recordings, they also had the underaged women positively ID’d through their own and their families accounts.
They also had financial statements and payments medical records, and even physical evidence of a secret child porn studio, and the videos that were made there with the underaged women in court to testify that it was them in the video and their age at the time. Literally got this dude on tape smacking people and forcing them to do shyt like literally eat shyt
Dude had like 20 people show up to court with receipts
There’s absolutely no comparison to the actual evidence that’s been made public against diddy so far.
I ain’t even trying to defend diddy here. If he did all this stuff then there probably is evidence of it. I’m just saying a tape showing a “freak-off” isn’t the evidence they need to prove their case.
Now, just like then, it makes no sense to jump out with a strong opinion on his innocence or not.welp, it's like i told dudes who were caping for sean when all this ish first dropped.... there is still time. that is when is was just one lawsuit and they were crying "there is no criminal case, its a cash grab"
but yeah i agree about the tape, they don't even need it for the case. is what i been saying lol
They say a lot of chit. Just like all the wild recordings they allegedly had that but that ain’t what the turned over of the defense.no shyt. you gotta read the whole indictment lol
they saying he used employees of the company, including cassie, for these sexual events which also involved coercion and prostitutes, drugs, etc.
but prostitution is actually count 3 in the indictment by itself.
They say a lot of chit. Just like all the wild recordings they allegedly had that but that ain’t what the turned over of the defense.
Take that, take thatThat's right.......Bad boy
Was him running in the hallway and beating her and dragging her back into the room the ending to one of these 9 tapes?
They destroyed puff public image and made him sell his companies. Now they bout to try to drain as much money outta him as possible with this trial.
And out of all the 1000s hours video and the secret cameras and drugging and rapes all they turn over is a couple sextapes of puff and Cassie
This is why you got a United States attorney getting on tv playing twitter games talkin about baby oil and freak offs.