I've let my feelings be known in other threads, but I personally thought that the Boneyard match was a piece of shyt. I haven't needed to see the Undertaker in 6 years and his personal old white guy biker power fantasy playing out on screen didn't change my opinion on that. Terrible buried alive match with a bunch of hokey theatrics slathered on top to cover for an old, broken down man that can't go anymore.
Bray and Cena's Firefly Fun House film (I refuse to call it a match; doing so misses the point of the segment) was fantastic, and might be the new high watermark of this kind of cinematic "wrestling." Excellent deconstruction of the Cena character, and Wyatt's progression from Husky Harris to cult leader to Fiend, and it would be a marvelous send off for the Cena character if he decides to retire for good. It shouldn't have happened, because basic-ass pro wrestling should be enough to generate interest in the wrestlers and storylines (something WWE's really forgotten how to do over the past 18 years), but for what it was, it was amazing and unlike anything I've ever seen before.