This the one on Hulu? I’m bout to watch it tonight.
Yea, it's called 9/11 one day in America
This the one on Hulu? I’m bout to watch it tonight.
I've watched a few docs on 9/11, a lot of people said the jet fuel traveled up and down the stairwells and elevator shafts. That plus the flames and smoke, it was impossible to escape if you were above the impact zone. One person got severely burned from a fire ball shooting down an elevator shaft. You have to remember they chose cross country flights because they'd have the maximum amount of jet fuel in them. The crash plus the large amount jet fuel meant max devastation/chaos.
Had no idea
i would've grabbed the wall and slid down.
let the friction of my body against the building slow me down.
might bust my ankles but it's better than jumping.
give up, brehs...
I remember watching a doc and I was disgusted by the one family who was acting disgusted that the guy “committed suicide”. I believe it was some Latino family that said it couldn’t be their son because he “committed suicide”.
Like uhh, you wanted the guy to stay there and fukking get burned alive???
i don't know what that gif means so i really can't respond.
They said when the first plane hit, the jet fuel shot through the elevator shaft & exploded & killed everyone near it
Well I know they couldn’t get down. My point was if I was going to die I’d want to try to make it to the roof and whatever happens happens...I wouldn’t have jumped because that’s certain death. I’d want to give myself every second of a chance at rescue or survival.
Yeah, and I wouldn’t even put those that jumped in the category of suicide. Suicide involves the person thinking “I want to die…so I will kill myself”. The jumpers mindset was (presumably) “I don’t want to die…but jumping would be less painful and quicker than burning to death”.Also some of the people who committed suicide didn’t technically commit suicide. Many of them were pushed because of the heat
Yeah, and I wouldn’t even put those that jumped in the category of suicide. Suicide involves the person thinking “I want to die…so I will kill myself”. The jumpers mindset was (presumably) “I don’t want to die…but jumping would be less painful and quicker than burning to death”.
That phone call of the white dude in the tower as it collapsed
You reminded me of it just now. I forgot all about it
I would had fought to survive or die trying. I would made folks go on the other side of the building where there's no fire, make us all use our clothes as a rope, tether down to a window below the broken area of the building, smash through the window, get as many people down with me , and rundown the stairs.
That female fighter pilot who said she knew going up to try to put down one of the planes was a suicide mission made me pause it. For those who haven't watched it, she said to load the missiles on to the aircraft takes 20 minutes. They didn't have time to waste. Her fellow pilot going up with her said he'd take out the cockpit with his jet, she said and I'll take out the tail with mine. They were too late to stop any planes but goddamn
Name of doc and is it that Spike Lee one that's on HBO?