I’m not really feeling what I’ve seen so far. It’s obvious that Ninja Theory is still salty about what became of their DmC game, so now they’re trying to force their style into this one. No one asked for Nero (which I’m not too mad at cuz I knew it was coming), old Dante,

Vergil, and that corny southern side kick chick. Should’ve just made this a spin off for Nero and kept it from the main DMC storyline.
Though I will say the gameplay looks dope and more DMC-like from what I’ve seen so far. And Nero’s design is much better when you see it in motion. The still shots weren’t doing him any favors at first lol. I’ll need to wait and see if I’ll cop though. I get a bad feeling this is gonna be a clusterfukk of the DMC we all love mixed in with that DMC bullshyt.