No, everyone starts from fresh, nothing carries overplayed destiny 1, but my character was on a friends ps4
if I buy destiny 2 and use a diff ps4 will my characters content carry over?
I'll be using the same psn for both if that matters
My interest for this game drops when my group can’t get together for a raid.Forsaken is piff but I feel like I’m playing half the game when I can’t do current content. I don’t even have my last sub class.
New expansion (Black Armoury) out in a few weeks too...Can't lie, from the free offering of both the PS4 and PC version, I'm kinda feeling this game....
But Iunno if I'm willing to spend 60 on that forsaken expansion yet.
The raid is not "half the game".My interest for this game drops when my group can’t get together for a raid.Forsaken is piff but I feel like I’m playing half the game when I can’t do current content. I don’t even have my last sub class.
I got my second sub class from the Blind Well. I didn't know you could get the third.00000000000000000000000000028923
Use the lfg like feature in the companion app to help you find people in a similar position to play with, make a post and be honest about what you're looking for
As for the third subclass you have three options , easiest being completing Tier 3 Blind Well. Walk into the arena and there's a good chance there are people already running one, if not go back to spawn and try again (walk show up the stairs instead of using your sparrow as it gives the game time to matchmake)
Other two ways, clear Kalli (1st raid boss) or get it from Mara whenever she visits
Yeah I agree. I've only attempted the Last Wish raid once and that group I was in made it all the way to Riven with no problem and just shrugged it off like why bother at this point.The raid is not "half the game".
I see a lot of people online complaining with similar comments.
The raid is literally ONE event that you could argue is roughly 2 hours of a game that has over 40 hours of content.
The only ones that can kind of complain are the ones that bought the game launch day, but at the same time, they should have known the type of game they were getting into.
It's essentially the episodic release / DLC model that has taken over gaming in recent years.
PC gamers have been very familiar with this type of release for over 10 years now.
That being said, if someone were to pick up a copy of Forsaken today for $60 they would be getting an incredible deal.
It has a boat load of content with a story that's actually pretty good and a bunch of different game modes that cater to all kinds of players.
The raid is what it is at this point. For me, I beat the first raid and it was honestly the part of the game I liked the least.
I don't feel like you're missing out on anything worth mentioning by never beating the raid. It's cool to complete it if you can, but if not, it's not a deal breaker.
I prefer the strikes anyway.
That haunted forest was some of the most fun I've had with this game.Yeah I agree. I've only attempted the Last Wish raid once and that group I was in made it all the way to Riven with no problem and just shrugged it off like why bother at this point.. That was the 2nd week after it had been released and I haven't attempted to raid since. After that I focused on getting all 3 characters to 600, running the Shattered throne, getting the Dredgen title, and trying to get Luna's Howl.
We're also like 3 weeks from the next content drop that's bringing a Raid lair too.
You can 2 seeds from 3 sources, as you've already got one from the BW your other options would be either first raid boss or Queen Mara Sov (Oracle Offering /Dreaming City bounty (rotates every 6 weeks so you have to keep on track for when it comes))I got my second sub class from the Blind Well. I didn't know you could get the third.
I was under the impression that you could only get the third from the Raid.