
Sep 28, 2012
he didnt ask about balance, he said fun.....and the shyt is fun...

as for balance: i disagree, i think it's pretty balanced...to me, this is the most balanced the crucible has been in a long time....you can take many weapons in there and get busy....

i dont know how many reach high score....compared to the beta, i know they increased the score limit, but it feels like they shortened the time too....the majority of the games i've run, the time tends to run out before anyone reaches the score limit, but we put up high numbers....

I played over 300 matches in crucible and compared to destiny 1 this shyt is boring as hell.. You have to play in a party to be effective..


Sep 28, 2012
idk breh

They had a nice mix of game modes in D1 that gave you a different experience. From what I can tell, every mode on here is determined by which ever team is better at staying together and team shooting the opponent. In D1, you could just load up Rumble, or Control solo and just run around for the fukkery of it all. Every match wasn't sweaty like Trials, where everybody staying close together. It was a more run and gun game. Am I wrong in this assessment?

There were more people to kill also, so it was just more litty. I played the beta on PC and it just felt dry.
This PVP feels like playing iron Banner.. It's not casual fun.. I played with a guy who had a 2.3 KD.. and he was like he only plays with people he knows to keep his KD up.. Then I thought they should have a party lobby and single player lobby to balance this shyt out..


Jul 16, 2013
idk breh

They had a nice mix of game modes in D1 that gave you a different experience. From what I can tell, every mode on here is determined by which ever team is better at staying together and team shooting the opponent. In D1, you could just load up Rumble, or Control solo and just run around for the fukkery of it all. Every match wasn't sweaty like Trials, where everybody staying close together. It was a more run and gun game. Am I wrong in this assessment?

There were more people to kill also, so it was just more litty. I played the beta on PC and it just felt dry.

they still got the same mix of game modes....i know rumble is gone (and maybe rift), but the rest are there, and they still fun....

all the games i've run so far have been solo, and for the most part i've had a ball...it annoyed me at first that i kept getting matched up with 2+ people from the same clan, but after awhile i said fukk it and accepted this is what bungie was going for...they want people to clan up, play together....so more than likely i'm gonna run into teams made of clan mates...

them lowering the number of people in the match and making the maps larger may make it seem like the intensity has lowered, but overall it hasnt....most are learning the maps now, and it's getting to the point that teams are finding a spot on the map to meet up and just go at it....ex: there's a map on titan where teams are just meeting up in the hallway and having shootouts...shyt is fun as hell cause the action goes down...

that's the thing though: these matches are only as sweaty as you make them....the same goes for d1....if you want them to be sweaty, they will be...if you dont, they wont....

to me, yea, i'd say you're wrong in your assessment....it's clear staying/working together is what bungie was going for, but you dont have to....you can still run and gun.....the thing is if you run off by yourself, you'll likely run into 2+....also, it depends on what game you running...if you doing a game like countdown, it's better to stay together....but if you doing supremacy or clash, go get it in by yourself if you like....

...besides it being 4v4 and a lil more gun based, overall the shyt plays like a more balanced d1 crucible to me....and you get in where you fit in....to judge for yourself, all i can say is play it....


Jul 16, 2013
@lutha post links to at bungie this week about SBMM for ToN or its bullshyt

This Week At Bungie – 09/14/2017 > News | Bungie.net

go to the 'mutual combat' section and read what it says about competitive modes....'they match you up with people closer to your skill level with good connections'....so like i said: they put skill first then connection...

i know yall might not agree with some of my opinions, which is cool, opinions are opinions, but when it comes to fact based shyt, i know what the fukk i'm talking about, and i'm not just talking out my ass....


Jul 16, 2013
I played over 300 matches in crucible and compared to destiny 1 this shyt is boring as hell.. You have to play in a party to be effective..

boring as hell and being effective are 2 different things....to be effective, yes i agree, it's best to play with others....to have fun? i disagree, you can have fun by yourself...i do...

Tha Gawd Amen

Mamba Mentality
Nov 17, 2013
I play trials with anyone.. shyt don't even matter if You go flawless.. Everyone gets the same guns..
I play with friends for the fun of it. They all used to be Halo nerds so we're going to be better than 95-99% of the Destiny community off that alone. It's more of just shyt talking with each other and that sort of shyt then winning because we already know that's going to happen. Random are going to be worried about call outs and actually trying to win and shyt which really isn't fun to me.

I just find it funny when people who are complete trash at crucible want to offer their opinion as gospel or call for nerds and buffs to certain aspects of the game when they're going to be trash either way. And finally, they take the words of competitive PvP players wrong.

There isn't any sort of Sbmm in trials. Streamers play on alternate accounts to stop stream sniping or play "undercover" more than anything. Out of the 48 odd games of trials I've played, I've lost about 6. I highly doubt that in 48 games that the algorithm couldn't find more than 6 teams comparable to my teams skill.

While you can sort of lone wolf this game, any sort of team that knows a basic team shot can shutdown almost any lone wolf player, or just feast on his shytty teammates, hence my drop off from a 2.29 K/D in trials to a 1.8 in quickplay. It really takes away from the fun because unless your a transcendent player, it's hard to operate against another team by yourself which takes some of the fun out the game.

What I wanted from a competitive/social PvP system was some sort of game mode with an actual ranking system that would put other high ranks with other high ranks so you can actually see how you compare against top tier players. Then there can be a social playlist with no ranks or stats attached to it where good players go to dikk around with stupid weapons and casual/average/whatever players can comfortably play with their friends.

What we have now is a competitive playlist that's just there for no apparent reason and a quickplay playlist that's sweatier than even Trials is currently.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
This Week At Bungie – 09/14/2017 > News | Bungie.net

go to the 'mutual combat' section and read what it says about competitive modes....'they match you up with people closer to your skill level with good connections'....so like i said: they put skill first then connection...

i know yall might not agree with some of my opinions, which is cool, opinions are opinions, but when it comes to fact based shyt, i know what the fukk i'm talking about, and i'm not just talking out my ass....
All this talks about is the two other PVP modes, this does not say ToN is SBMM.