My point is that a jury’s verdict does not determine actual innocence or guilt. That’s it, that’s all. We know this when it comes to Ben Roethlisberger so I don’t get why it’s controversial now.
Deshaun not being charged does not mean that all those women were lying about their interactions with him, and if he was charged & found guilty that wouldn’t have meant they were all telling the truth. Because the justice system doesn’t work like that and I thought we all knew this.
It's simple why it's controversial. What is your reasoning for bringing it up? A lot of people who bring this up have an ulterior motive.
Like you just said, you "thought we all knew this." We did because what you are saying applies to EVERY court case.
But why is it so important for you to bring up it here? When you are aware we already know.
Again, not accusing you of anything, only trying to explain.