Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
White girl magic...
That's the only explanation yall need.
And another thing that annoyed me was the whole premise that humans would need to figure out how to communicate with advanced beings.. Wouldn't the advanced beings be able to figure out our primitive language faster than we would theirs? They should have been able to write and speak english the first day they touched down... or at least communicate beyond some grunts and shyt.
Because the goal was to make the humans understand the alien language. The whole reason they came here was to make sure we learned it, there would literally be no point in them learning our language first so they could then teach us theirs. The point of them teaching us was to unite humanity as they were forcing us to cooperate as one in order to be able to understand it.
Also, the movie made it very clear that the sounds they made weren't a form of communication, at least not one in line with the language they used to communicate to us.
Also, the movie made it very clear that the sounds they made weren't a form of communication, at least not one in line with the language they used to communicate to us.