I watched this all the way through for first time earlier this week, I saw bits and pieces over the years….but never followed through. Dope movie, made me miss QT crime movies even more, knowing how good he was at them….I am not much of an IG or Django fan, this is the QT i love and remember. Really good movie, near perfect….I didn't even realize Chris Tucker's goofy ass was in this but that was kind of his year right before 'Rush Hour', I believe 'Money Talks' came out the same year. 'We'll go to Roscoe chicken and waffles after'….lol@ doing an actual arms deal after Chris Tucker raggedy ass gets out of the trunk and racks a shotgun….Very seamless, and every detail is perfect or close to it, Elmore Leonard makes great source material, between this and 'Out Of Sight'. Max Cherry kinda fukked that up at the end though….hang around making bonds or lay up in a suite in Spain with the girl you have been lusting after the whole fukking movie….I didn't see a good reason why he didn't go, or at least the movie alluding to it. The whole tone and flow of the movie is so smooth and well done, Tarantino at his best.
De Niro really played the idiot in this too, when he was trying to put the phone back…dead.