I'll explain as best I know from experience and other's acclaim of the game.
Firstly, upon the release of this game in itself, the gaming industry was very fixated on putting out games that were very hands-on with telling you how to play you game, telling you every step along the way to go, being elongated tutorials and hand-holding. They also tended to be heavy exposition in pacing and story-telling, loaded with cut scenes and general "filler" for story beats. And as far as outright gameplay, a lot of them lend on quick-time events, can be considered "button mashy", or pay to win or auto-aim games that lowered the skill ceiling and overall just lacking challenge due to no consequences for most of your actions in death. Souls games are absolutely none of these things...the very anti-thesis to them to be frank.
And with that, comes a very deliberate, tactical, challenging base that rewards playing good and really crushes playing badly. So badly that it's downright frustrating to lose, cuz of you losing practically everything, you currency, your progress, etc. This all ties into the gameplay loop that feels like none other when you actually conquer what was repeatedly giving you soul-crushing defeats prior. So it gives you a very rewarding feeling of earned progress. Add to that, the lore and world building that's not thrust on you, but just sprinkled and mostly hinted at, so it doesn't feel as spoon fed as most games that do all the previously mentioned beats for storying telling and pacing.
Now my question for you, good sir, are you and @South Paw one and the same person? Cuz it looks odd, if not suspicious that ya'll both in this thread round the same time, lol.
Lol aight. Thanks
Lol no he’s the original. I been on here since